Setting the week of August 22 (or so... ) Everyone join!! You know you want to!

She may have been pecked in the eye. This happened to my little australorp - I saw it happen but wasn't quick enough to prevent it. She twitched her head (not her eye, it stayed open like normal) for a full day. I felt so bad for the little one! They seem to like each others shiny eyes during those first couple days.
shes still twitching its been two days now. I know they like shiny things I have had them pull out my diamond in my nose multiple times while they are crawling on me.
Well I'm giving throw last egg another day or two then ill go in. But as of now out of my 8 eggs I have 7 babies.... not bad for a first time hatch and homemade incubator!
I haven't been keeping up on here much the past week. but my 3rd set hatched yesterday/today. 10 in the brooder and 1 still working on getting out. I think I know why I was having so many problems with my fridgebator. It has a fan in it, so even with high humidity the eggs were drying to fast during hatching. So anyone who is going to use a forced air incubator I suggest turning off the fan during lockdown. Set 3 that hatched yesterday were hatched in the hovebator and did much better than the fridge. Next round with the fridge the fan will be turned off at lock down. Any one else ever run in to this problem?
I thought I heard chipping twice last night after I candled my eggs they are not due for lockdown till tonight, but none of then even look like they are even due four lockdown. I went ahead and remixed them from the Turner and increased the humidity just in case.
And I got bad news today. I went to check on my guys before heading to work and walked into a pen filled with death and carnage. Some start dog torn through the pen and killed all but six of my chickens

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