Sexing my Maran Chicks - 10 weeks


Aug 27, 2018
Hello, I am new to the chicken world and "inherited" a small flock of 3 chickens when I moved to the country side. I decided to grow my coop and incubated 5 little Maran Chicks out of 6 eggs. Now I am very confused as I don't know which sex they are having.
No 1 - My brown chick turned into a beautiful young one - quite sure this one is a boy
No 2 - My white one - looks like a girl to me, very little comb development
No 3 - My black chick - looks like a girl to me, very little comb development and the calmest and sweetest chick out of all
No 4 - My light grey one, always believed it is a boy as very slow feather development and little wing feathers, but does not have the pronounced comb development as No 1
No 5 - My dark gray one, always beieved it is a girl, as strong feather development, always looked similar to my black one, but now it has quite comb and wattles development.
Please help!!!! I don't know if I can keep the males, therefore I pray most of them will be girls.
Thank you.


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Hello, I am new to the chicken world and "inherited" a small flock of 3 chickens when I moved to the country side. I decided to grow my coop and incubated 5 little Maran Chicks out of 6 eggs. Now I am very confused as I don't know which sex they are having.
No 1 - My brown chick turned into a beautiful young one - quite sure this one is a boy
No 2 - My white one - looks like a girl to me, very little comb development
No 3 - My black chick - looks like a girl to me, very little comb development and the calmest and sweetest chick out of all
No 4 - My light grey one, always believed it is a boy as very slow feather development and little wing feathers, but does not have the pronounced comb development as No 1
No 5 - My dark gray one, always beieved it is a girl, as strong feather development, always looked similar to my black one, but now it has quite comb and wattles development.
Please help!!!! I don't know if I can keep the males, therefore I pray most of them will be girls.
Thank you.
No 1 is a cockerel
No 2 Is a pullet
I lean towards cockerel on number 3 and pullet on number 4
No 5 is a cockerel

Watch for red on the shoulders of no 3. If so, then the black one is a cockerel for sure
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No 1 is a cockerel
No 2 Is a pullet
I lean towards cockerel on number 3 and pullet on number 4
No 5 is a cockerel

Watch for black on the shoulders of no 3. If so, then the black one is a cockerel for sure
Hi Ronott, What do you mean of watch for black on shoulders? I have an other picture of her(him)...


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The first is a cockerel.
Second, third and fourth are pullets.
Fifth is a cockerel. No doubt on any of their sexes.
The reason for a chance of cockerel on the Black one is the pink wattles at 10 weeks. Wattles should be more of a yellow color like number 4

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