Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

The Swiss have more guns per person than than the USA I believe but don't have the same problems. Many people I knew in Catalonia had guns and managed to not have the type of gun crime that seems common in the USA. In fact lots there are lots of countries where gun possesion is common where gun crime is comparatively rare.
I have been diving into this statement because I found it hard to believe.
And as expected it is not true.
The Swiss have a lot of firearms but is less than a third of what US people have nowadays. The numbers in Switzerland have reduced a lot in the last decades,

One of the articles:
Why then are there almost no mass murders while they are commonplace in the US? The last mass murder in Switzerland dates back to 2001, when a man stormed into a local parliament in the city of Zug and shot dead fourteen people. One mass shooting in seventeen years is very little. However, Swiss people have approximately 2 million privately owned firearms, out of a population of 8.3 million. Why is Switzerland spared mass murders while they are commonplace in the US?

Switzerland has long been a neutral nation. Armed civilians have helped defend that neutrality for the past 200 years. Patriotic Swiss see their weapons as a tool to defend their country.

The gun lobby in the US often points to Switzerland as a textbook example to demonstrate that more rules regarding gun ownership are unnecessary.
But although the Swiss are addicted to their pistols and rifles, there are specific rules regarding gun ownership in the country. Conscription Unlike Belgium and the US, conscription is still in force in Switzerland. All men between the ages of 18 and 34 who are considered suitable for the military are issued a pistol or a rifle. They are also all trained so that they can use the weapon. After their military service they can keep their weapons, but they must first obtain a permit for it. About half of all private weapons in Switzerland are former service weapons.
Last update: 27-02-2018, 13:22 : Business Insider; BBC; Small Arms Survey
And in 2019 the Swiss voted for stronger regulations.

This article is older but has a good explanation why it was in a referendum already in 2011. Then is didn’t reach the acquired votes. In 2019 it did.

13, 2011, 07:28 BERN - Swiss will vote on Sunday in a referendum on their massive gun ownership. The country now has one of the world's most lenient rules on weapons: many homes have a gun in the cupboard. Theme: (re)set your mind! More job satisfaction, less stress, pushing your boundaries, being smarter than your brain, thinking in terms of opportunities and better collaboration?

Concerned doctors, police officers and others forced the referendum to restrict guns. They believe that fewer deaths will occur if soldiers do not take their weapons home after their service but store them centrally in an arsenal. Opponents believe that Switzerland is safer because of the many armed households. The country has many reservists who regularly practice their marksmanship. An opinion poll predicted a neck-and-neck race between supporters and opponents. The number of people in favor of restrictions has shrunk to 47 percent in recent weeks, while those opposed have grown to 45 percent. Switzerland, which is not a member of the EU, often holds referendums. It was recently decided not to build any more minarets and to automatically deport non-Swiss if convicted. (AP)
That is the main reason I am so glad I don't live in the US even though there are so many things I don't like about my country. So many of you are convinced owning weapons is normal, even rightful. It is just beyond my understanding, even trying honestly.
I think I have less difficulty understanding why people believe in God 🙂. But neither are the subject on a chicken forums so I focus on all that you folks are teaching me about chickens.

Celebrating my three remaining ex-batt's fictional four years old birthday today, out of six in the beginning ! I don't know what age they exactly were when we got them, they were young pullets because the battery had given out all their remaining spent layers when my partner and his father got there. They began laying two months after so I made up a birthday date around the 15 October.

Left to right Nougat, Cannelle and Blanche
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Happy birthday Nougat, Cannelle, and Blanche! Big accomplishment for you and your servants.

My husband is so deeply in love with Light (an Isa Brown type breed) that I think sometimes he loves her more than he loves me. I am not kidding. He often says that he is going to be really really sad when Light dies. However, he also says that if Light can live to be at least 4 years old, he will be at peace. She is now 2yr+7m old.

Nougat, Cannelle, Blanche, may your egg laying slow down or have strong shells if you lay! May you have many more years to come to bully young pullets/cockerels!
Update on Meimei
She ate her scrambled egg yesterday. She is doing even better today, and is pecking and scratching. No more squishy crop. It feels solid and normal. Hope it will be emptied tomorrow morning.
The Swiss have more guns per person than than the USA I believe
Not according to the data from the small arms survey which I believe is the most widely recognized independent authority on gun ownership.

According to that survey Switzerland comes in 16th in the ranking of civilian gun ownership per capita. The US is number one by a long way followed by Yemen,
The attached infographic has a lot of data displayed in an easily digestible way.


  • SAS-Infographics-global-firearms-holdings.pdf
    4.3 MB · Views: 6
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any one have data on how many people in a country has guns? I didn't see that, just how any guns per 100 people. Most people I know in the USA that have guns have multiple, several collectors I know have over 500. Most are antiques and only a few are used at the target range.
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I'm still a bit irked by the flat change fiasco. The person responsible for arranging the move sat in one of those chairs when doing the interview for the transfer. They know exactly what the flats at the other site are like. It should have been obvious that there was no way I was going to fit even half of the stuff I have in the new flat! If the housing provider published a floor plan of the flats with dimensions I would have known that the move wasn't an option.

View attachment 3660037View attachment 3660038
The house I live in has about 1100 sq ft, on the small side but has a 1/3 acre lot. All the houses in our neighborhood were built about 50 years ago, similar sizes of house and lot. Some have 1/2 acre.

Down the road they're building a development on what was corn fields a few years ago. They're packing the houses in so tightly there's no room for even a car to drive between the buildings. The backyards are about the width and length of a couple parking spaces.

I'd hate that, I like a little elbow room.

My backyard, yesterday. ⬆️ Coop on the right.
any one have data on how many people in a country has guns? I didn't see that, just how any guns per 100 people. Most people I know in the USA that have guns have multiple, several collectors I know have over 500. Most are antiques and only a few are used at the target range.
Good point. Yes. is the place for that - it is hosted by the University of Sydney in Australia.
It is a data aggregator rather than generating the data itself and as a result they have data from different years.
I find their website a bit of a pain so I tend to just use the tabulated form of the data available in Wikipedia.
Their data says 42% of US households have guns. This is close (and a bit higher) to US sources such as Gallup and Pew. Close behind is Finland with 38% of households. On that metric, Switzerland is much higher ranked at 4th with 29%. The data from Finland and Switzerland is old (2005) and the US from 2017.

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