Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Any observations that have led you to this conclusion? Not because I don't believe you, but because I want to hear stories of roosters being amazing birds:p. Don't hear these so often unfortunately
I've got a few but unfortunately I just don't have time at the moment to write them out. I'll try at some point.
Four hours today. Rained this morning, dry afternoon.
I'm spending a lot of time at the allotments, or dealing with allotment matters; at least seven hours of my day. This isn't a complaint but it does mean that posting on BYC has taken a bit of a back seat currently. While I can read stuff on my mobile phone I can't be doing with trying to write anything bar the bare minimum on a phone.

That's a neat study. I guess they have proof chickens can perceive more than simple motion in 2D? If not, the roosters could simply be confused by movement coming from the mirror.

I've mentioned that Stilton, a rooster who likes to spend quiet time with me, is captivated by videos on my phone. Sometimes I turn on the reverse camera so he can see himself on the screen but never discern much interest beyond a passing glance.

Of course, I'm not running an experiment – just offering him something of interest while he's hanging out – and a screen isn't a mirror, so eyes may perceive it differently. Here's a snap of [molting] Stilton seeing himself on the phone screen:

Four hours today. Mostly dry with a light rainfall around 3pm. The juveniles are looking horribly healthy. Fret is still mothering them.
Still having problems with Carbon. I've documented what I can see of the problem but just haven't had time to make a proper post about it.
They are venturing much further afield now and having seen the residents fox pass no more than five metres from them one evening I have to be with them rather than watching from my chair at the top of the filed by the coop.
The field has three new members and there are plans to enlarge the plots where the pathways between are over eighteen inches wide to provide more growing room. Henry is still moulting and eating like a horse. He is the only one who is still interested in making the commercial feed his main nutrient intake. I've been offering Henry layers mash and the chick feed and given the choice he goes for the chick feed. This is probably better for Henry due to the 1% calcium content. Does he know?
Turkeys are like song birds that fight their reflections... haven't seen any roosters try to fight their reflections
When Piou-piou was in a crate we tried the suggestion of putting a mirror in it to fight depression, and she attacked her reflection every time we tried. But the point of the experiment was to show that under circumstances that trigger for a natural response (a predator threat) the roosters had a different reaction ; Piou-piou was used to free ranging and being locked up in such a small space completely changed her behaviour and patterns.
Four hours today. Mostly dry with a light rainfall around 3pm. The juveniles are looking horribly healthy. Fret is still mothering them.
Still having problems with Carbon. I've documented what I can see of the problem but just haven't had time to make a proper post about it.
They are venturing much further afield now and having seen the residents fox pass no more than five metres from them one evening I have to be with them rather than watching from my chair at the top of the filed by the coop.
The field has three new members and there are plans to enlarge the plots where the pathways between are over eighteen inches wide to provide more growing room. Henry is still moulting and eating like a horse. He is the only one who is still interested in making the commercial feed his main nutrient intake. I've been offering Henry layers mash and the chick feed and given the choice he goes for the chick feed. This is probably better for Henry due to the 1% calcium content. Does he know?
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Given the choice between layer feed, wet starter feed, fermented and dry grains most of my chickens go for the wet starter first. Broody Léa was an exception as she wouldn't touch it or let her chicks touch it 🙂. Now she isn't broody and molting she eats a bit of it but it's not her favourite.

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