Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

another example of cecectomy as routine procedure in poultry feed research:
"In studies regarding the efficiency and digestibility of feeds, cecectomy technique that was first described by Durant (1929) is usually used. It makes possible to perform the digestibility tests in short time and at less cost as compared to conventional growth trials (Pupaet al., 1998). It eradicates the interference factor of the cecum; thus, each group or individual bird can present a specific bacterial microbiota and cause interference in the digestibility studies (Pan and Yu, 2014)." That's a paper from 2019.

A natural digestive organ and its function is not 'interference' for the chicken whose organ that is. Rather, its elimination makes the work cheaper and easier for the researchers. Recent work on the microbiome has shown that what goes on in the caeca is the extraction of more nutrients for the chicken, either directly, or via the trillions of microbes that live in them.
This one caused me to shake my head in despair.
So, if I have understood correctly, for the sake of doing the research more quickly they create an environment (a chicken without a caecum) that makes the results of the research essentially invalid.
Leave aside the issues of how they are treating the chicken, that is just bad science!
Anyway, on that note I'm signing off the topic. The more I read of it the more disgusted I get with it.
That's a shame if understandable. You've done more to question the wisdom and necessity of feeding commercial feed than anyone else who has investigated the topic that I've read on this forum.

I'm going to continue with experimenting with various feed options including fermentation. I hope eventually to produce what the commercial producers call a balanced feed from whole grains, seeds and pulses that is suitable for high production confined birds.
This one caused me to shake my head in despair.
So, if I have understood correctly, for the sake of doing the research more quickly they create an environment (a chicken without a caecum) that makes the results of the research essentially invalid.
Leave aside the issues of how they are treating the chicken, that is just bad science!
Unfortunatly this is the problem with many of the studies. The feed topic isn't something I've spent much time until recently looking in to. It's not been an issue until I started looking after the allotment chickens. Free range chickens in my experience are quite capable of sorting out their nutritional needs.

It's much the same problem with behavioural studies.
I've read stuff that I can prove beyond any reasonable doubt is just plain wrong but anyone who may question my proof would have to spend a few months living with and observing chickens. :confused:
the children have dads, unless you're suggesting these were virgin births.
Where are they? Why aren't they raising their kids? Why are they out of mind and apparently free of any responsibility for their offspring and their upbringing?
I did not take this as Shad bashing mums specifically, just the point that there are a lot of really self-absorbed people. Mothers have always, naturally, been the primary caregiver and nurturer of the children, and I took that comment as an example of how bad society has gotten, that even a mum, buries her nose in her cellphone rather than caring for her child.

I am sure the lovely people on their cellphones at Shad's bus stop, made some comment about the incident on their social media profiles, "How sad it was", or some other form of fake virtuosity, but only one person actually had the human decency to intervene. Over all, a sad commentary on the state of humanity. 😞

Anyway, that is my interpretation of the comment.:idunno
I did not take this as Shad bashing mums specifically, just the point that there are a lot of really self-absorbed people. Mothers have always, naturally, been the primary caregiver and nurturer of the children, and I took that comment as an example of how bad society has gotten, that even a mum, buries her nose in her cellphone rather than caring for her child.

I am sure the lovely people on their cellphones at Shad's bus stop, made some comment about the incident on their social media profiles, "How sad it was", or some other form of fake virtuosity, but only one person actually had the human decency to intervene. Over all, a sad commentary on the state of humanity. 😞

Anyway, that is my interpretation of the comment.:idunno
I may not have been very clear. It doesn't matter if it's males or females. My point was that children in push cairs are being encouraged to cultivate the same addiction to mobile technology their parents have. I've seen fathers do the same.
I spent yesterday in bed, feeling like I had a brick in my gut, so I'm a bit behind.
If they are going to use selective breeding to bring out the most favorable traits, I wish they would focus on health and longevity.
I would love it if they did this for animals. Just talking about dogs here, but they spend crap loads of money to create designer breeds that are dumb as a box of rocks and have a host of ills. Please, someone, breed a dog that will live a heathy, 20 year life!
I was waiting at the bus stop along with other people on what is a very busy road for pedestrians and vehicles. The man below is walking along a narrow section of the central reservation. I watched him make his way along the edge where he occasioanlly collapsed over the fence for a few moments and when he toppled off the edge into the road, decided to intervene. Everybody at the bus stop saw the man collapse apart from a couple of people glued to their mobile phones but nobody said or did anything. I went over the road to ask if the man needed any help. He looked like many of the street people in Bristol, there are lots, he wasn't drunk and he had blood dripping out of his mouth. I called an ambulance and put a ten pound note in his pocket. I left shortly after when a police car pulled up.
Thank you. :hugs
I bought some once, it was very dark and tasted of licorice.
Oh, I miss Blackstrap molasses! I used to be able to get it here, and added some to my coffee. It tasted like a mix of molasses and licorice. LOVED it!
the children have dads, unless you're suggesting these were virgin births.
Where are they? Why aren't they raising their kids? Why are they out of mind and apparently free of any responsibility for their offspring and their upbringing?
The main reason is the process one has to go through to claim from the other half is intrusive, unfair and court rulings are seldom enforced.
There are others who just want them gone and don't pursue for maintenance.

The system doesn't work and society doesn't want to acknowledge that this is a problem.
The main reason is the process one has to go through to claim from the other half is intrusive, unfair and court rulings are seldom enforced.
There are others who just want them gone and don't pursue for maintenance.

The system doesn't work and society doesn't want to acknowledge that this is a problem.
Same here on this side of the pond.

To all the parents who do pay child support:

Thank you.

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