Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Damp and cold. We had hours of rain this morning. We were lucky enough to get a couple of dry hours this afternoon and everyone got out for a shorter than normal time, an hour and a half today due to an accident on the bus route.

Watching numerous people get off their seats long before their stop who try to make their way to the front of the moving bus reminded me of this sketch. My mother brought some of her records with her when she came to the UK and this Bob Newhart sketch was in the collection.

I enjoyed that. We used to watch Bob Newhart's first show on television, the one in which he was a psychologist. He always made me smile or chuckle.
Watching numerous people get off their seats long before their stop who try to make their way to the front of the moving bus reminded me of this sketch. My mother brought some of her records with her when she came to the UK and this Bob Newhart sketch was in the collection.

I haven't seen any of his sketches but have watched his TV series. Great comedian 👏
It could have passed off as a pleasant day if it wasn't for the rapid temperature drop later in the afternoon. I mentioned to the allotment group that the fruit trees in the orchard needed pruning and one member volunteered. Today was the day and there were four of us working in the field for about four hours. I do love my Silky saw. We got quite a lot done. The soft fruit trees need to be done later in the year in this area.


The chickens were disgusted that there were people out there and hovered around the gate and in the allotment run for a while. They did venture out and camped up just about as far as they could get from the people. They're not a people friendly bunch this lot.:D

They're not a people friendly bunch this lot.:D
Smart birds!(people are too peopley) Ours do not like strangers, we had electricians out to do some work in our out building, behind their coop and the boys herded the girls as far away from them as possible and sounded the alert every time they walked by to get somethin out of their truck.
Ours do not like strangers
I never noticed mine to react differently when my own (daughter, son) come along with their partners. But they do flee to a quiet spot or into the run if there are more visitors, like on a birthday party.

If I know what time visitors are coming I tend to lock them up in the run. And definitely when certain friends ,who usually take their dog with them, are visiting.

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