Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I never noticed mine to react differently when my own (daughter, son) come along with their partners. But they do flee to a quiet spot or into the run if there are more visitors, like on a birthday party.

If I know what time visitors are coming I tend to lock them up in the run. And definitely when certain friends ,who usually take their dog with them, are visiting.
We live out in the country, and I am not overly social, so we do not really have people over.
Hope everyone's had a nice weekend. One more male added to the crowers list over the weekend, for a total of 6 crowing males
. Kolovos's son seems to be acting more and more his age, resulting in a slightly bloody comb
. His efforts seem to be partly paying off, Big Red's daughter has been spending some time with him the past few days
Cold, wet and miserable sums it up. Went out for brunch with eldest, youngest and associated late morning. It was raining. Went back to my eldests to see if the rain would back off. It didn't. I spent an hour with the chickens who were not remotely interested in venturing out. Got geese and chickens feed and watered and having eaten, they went to roost an hour earlier than usual.
Cold, wet and miserable sums it up. Went out for brunch with eldest, youngest and associated late morning. It was raining. Went back to my eldests to see if the rain would back off. It didn't. I spent an hour with the chickens who were not remotely interested in venturing out. Got geese and chickens feed and watered and having eaten, they went to roost an hour earlier than usual.
View attachment 3757379View attachment 3757380
It was dismal here too. We were going to go to an Antiques Fair at the National Botanic Garden, but it was too cold and wet to make even that a sufficient temptation to drag us out. The chickens here bear it with remarkable fortitude I think. They just cuddle up round the doors and logpile, all under cover and sheltered from most of the wind, and wait till it brightens up, whereupon they're straight off to forage for as long as they've got till the next shower arrives, when they run back, and repeat.
Hope everyone's had a nice weekend. One more male added to the crowers list over the weekend, for a total of 6 crowing malesView attachment 3757197. Kolovos's son seems to be acting more and more his age, resulting in a slightly bloody combView attachment 3757198. His efforts seem to be partly paying off, Big Red's daughter has been spending some time with him the past few daysView attachment 3757199
are they windfall peaches in the photos there? Do the chickens eat them? (I would if I were there!)
It was dismal here too. We were going to go to an Antiques Fair at the National Botanic Garden, but it was too cold and wet to make even that a sufficient temptation to drag us out. The chickens here bear it with remarkable fortitude I think. They just cuddle up round the doors and logpile, all under cover and sheltered from most of the wind, and wait till it brightens up, whereupon they're straight off to forage for as long as they've got till the next shower arrives, when they run back, and repeat.

It's been raining here today as well. Both I and the chickens don't enjoy it one bit. Hopefully this is the last winter rain; somehow I feel like winter rain is different from spring rain

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