Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Finding someone who will "work" with C is a very difficult proposition. There have been others before me. I know two of them quite well. Neither are quite as stubborn perhaps as Bucket Boy and niether has Bucket Boys love for chickens let alone his knowledge.
Personally I think that's where you can claim merit : putting up with C. with patience and understanding that things are not all black or white. In the end keeping trying to convince her to do what's the best for the chickens.
Handling relationships with human is almost more difficult, I think, than properly caring for animals. And far less rewarding.
I don't think you're a saint, Shad ~ far from it! However it is very easy to walk away from a problem ~ not my monkeys, not my circus. You didn't ~ & however much you might enjoy the chickens they come with people problems that are never any fun. Kudos for not walking despite the people problems.
Exactly! I replied before seeing your message and I completely agree.

I'm so glad I've walked away from people's problems and now only have to handle chickens problems ☺️.
There are many Pitties that are adoring you just verify that.
@Shadrach I have birds because I was forced to retire I needed something to do ...
I get you that way.
I second that! Animals can be devious and manipulative, but don't lie and are never malicious, in my experience.
Oooh, I don't know about this.
I've known some roosters that have told their hens some pretty tall stories. The usual one is "look I've found something good to eat" when in fact they're just calling the hen over to get her away from another rooster.:D
I wasn't taking pot shots @ you or anybody else [unless it's Shad who gets my sometimes very wacky humour], just making an observation.
I got that Rhib :)

If anything I was explaining too shardrach that I felt he was waving a red flag to a bull (too me and possibly others) always mentioning C's negligence and not suggesting that she gets a little more help or doing something to change it.
How he deals with this is totally up too him, isn't sharach. I'm not there and cannot intervene or help.

Someone once told me where I was going wrong in my life, it took a while for me too change and once I did I never looked back but that was my life only.

My wish is for this situation to be dealt with sooner rather than later due to these lives being affected .
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