Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I know @Shadrach and @Marie2020 have both answered already - I would have said it slightly differently. I think it means to mock or make fun of regardless of whether 'being taken advantage of' is part of it.
It can have a negative or positive(ish) connotation depending on context.
A practical joke by a friend is a benign form of 'taking the piss'.
Yep, this is a better description ~ @ least in Oz. It's not always negative. It can be a joke or a tease.
Kudos too you for all you are doing.

The description you give makes me sit up and want to, well to put it mildly kick C up the backside and make her eat moldy bread. If I come across someone in the threads I visit being so selfish I will tell them. No problems.

The guy I mentioned better hope he doesn't bump into me in town because as sure as I like eating eggs that man will be told and everyone nearby will know EXACTLY WHAT he did.
Just how I see it @Rhib.
I've got to try and straighten out those people who think that I'm some sort of saint for doing what I do with the chickens and C is some kind of monster.

Firstly, there are a great many people here on BYC with a similar attitude to chickens as C has.
Secondly, I enjoy going to see the chickens. I like chickens and most will tell you I'm good with them and chickens like me.
I'm retired and I have the time. I could join an excersie thread/group or go shopping or sit in front of a TV or computer all day.
I live in a flat. This gets me onto an acre of ground. Yes there are parks etc. It just isn't the same. I don't drink, gamble, chase women, have a car or any expensive hobbies. I don't even have a TV.
The travel rarely costs me anything. The feed costs me a bit but I can spare the money.
C's motives for taking the Ex Batts are confused but even if they spent the rest of their days in the run they would be better off than they were in the battery. You/we chat away here to many many others who keep chickens in coops and runs and may spend just a few minutes each day with their chickens. How about giving these people some flak?
The main issue is the feeding. Once again many here try to keep chickens spending the absolute minimum on their welfare and feeding. Rip into them; there are plenty on BYC to choose from.

The main stumbling block here is almost always the same, why would I/should I do it if the chickens aren't mine.

It doesn't matter who owns the chickens! They are still chickens and I can do something to improve their life so that's what I do.
I don't think you're a saint, Shad ~ far from it! However it is very easy to walk away from a problem ~ not my monkeys, not my circus. You didn't ~ & however much you might enjoy the chickens they come with people problems that are never any fun. Kudos for not walking despite the people problems.
I don't think you're a saint, Shad ~ far from it! However it is very easy to walk away from a problem ~ not my monkeys, not my circus. You didn't ~ & however much you might enjoy the chickens they come with people problems that are never any fun. Kudos for not walking despite the people problems.
Well put.
I spent a good part of the day yesterday with a pitbull
Like the chickens not being treated well but has the temperment of a lamb.. I do not tolerate that well ..
My pit is the sweetest and still trys to jump in my arms here is on my lap. It was a windy day and he was too nervous.
I don't think you're a saint, Shad ~ far from it!
We agree on that :)
However it is very easy to walk away from a problem ~ not my monkeys, not my circus. You didn't ~ & however much you might enjoy the chickens they come with people problems that are never any fun. Kudos for not walking despite the people problems.
I'm not saying exactly what I would do or I would start a riot in here. One thing I will say is it wouldn't be abandoning those chickens :duc coz they would be mine
We agree on that :)

I'm not saying exactly what I would do or I would start a riot in here. One thing I will say is it wouldn't be abandoning those chickens :duc coz they would be mine
I wasn't taking pot shots @ you or anybody else [unless it's Shad who gets my sometimes very wacky humour], just making an observation.
My pit is the sweetest and still trys to jump in my arms here is on my lap. It was a windy day and he was too nervous. View attachment 3018831
My pitty mix is an absolute sweetheart too! He keeps predators out of the yard and comes inside looking for praise, then curls up on the couch with his best buddy…me! ❤️ We call him Velcro as a nickname, because he’s always near one of us if he’s not running outside in the yard.

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