Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

That's really interesting.

I feel dumb asking some of these questions. Did I read right about sulphur dust bags being hung in the coop as well as being used out as a dust bath?

Phew, I will have to brace myself for the rotten eggs pong 🤮 not nice
In the study, they took the old-timers sulfur in the dust baths method and put the sulfur in bags for the birds to brush against.
I have used it on my dog and my pants to keep ticks off. But my sense of smell is bad and I don't see people unless I go to town for supplies. I shower and have town clothes so I haven't noticed any strange looks :lau
In the study, they took the old-timers sulfur in the dust baths method and put the sulfur in bags for the birds to brush against.
I have used it on my dog and my pants to keep ticks off. But my sense of smell is bad and I don't see people unless I go to town for supplies. I shower and have town clothes so I haven't noticed any strange looks :lau
Do you find people keep their distance :D
People are so not speaking about anything of importance this world is soooooo strange

Flexi laid an egg this morning :love

Lovely afternoon here in Bristol. I left the flat earlier than usual so I could clean up the rubbish on my allotment plot and start digging it over. Chickens got three hours out this afternoon.
Matilda isn't the full ticket. She ate okay but was on the subdued side. I'm going to have to grab her tomorrow and check her over.
Blue sky pictures!View attachment 3024898View attachment 3024899View attachment 3024897
We had a stunning day here yesterday. The girls were in their eliminates. There was a cold wind but in the sunny spots it was lovely
One of the Legbars isn't well. She's got bad diarrhoea andhas been looking very sorry for herself the last couple of days. I think it was Copy I saw when they were out on the allotments for the first time with her beak buried in something next to the pile of rubbish that has accumulated just out side the run fence. If so, then I think she ate something she shouldn't have. I cleaned her bum up the day before yesterday much to her alarm. She did settled down in my hand after a few squawks and flaps. What I did find was mites.
Today she was almost back to normal having not eaten much yesterday or the day before. I'm going to assume if she had an infection she wouldn't be looking and acting much better today. A short bout of food poisoning I hope.
It's quite difficult to get a decent examination done when it's cold and raining and I have to stand outside in it with a complaining chicken in my hand. I still don't know what type of mite she is carrying. I couldn't catch her this evening. She better enough to evade me today which hasn't been the case the past two days.
If it hadn't been very windy and pissing down with rain I would have taken her out of the coop at roost time tonight and had a decent look. I'll takePermethrin and a head torch with me tomorrow.
C also noticed Copy wasn't the full ticket yesterday. C was out with them this morning and agreed that Copy looked much better than she did.
Good news on both fronts, little legbar is feeling better and I'm so pleased C is taking more notice. Things are looking up shad, good work :love
Do you find people keep their distance :D
No 😱 nor did they say anything,
During covid keep your 6 ft distance rule, I seen people from where I retired. They came right up to me to tell me about another that had died from covid. I thought they were going to hug me they got so close. Believe me they are the type to ask about an odor or a bugger on your nose :gig
So showered and separate clothes seem to work.
No 😱 nor did they say anything,
During covid keep your 6 ft distance rule, I seen people from where I retired. They came right up to me to tell me about another that had died from covid. I thought they were going to hug me they got so close. Believe me they are the type to ask about an odor or a bugger on your nose :gig
So showered and separate clothes seem to work.
Some people live in a land of make believe thank goodness for my friends that actually have something interesting too say
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