Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

He looks very comfortable Shad.
Hey X Batts I grew up on grain beef out to slaughter.
Grass fed has a pungent odor.. JMHO
That is old school..
I was cleaning out the new coop this afternoon when Henry barrels through the pop door. Henry had come to check what I was doing. Ime roosters only do this to coops the consider their territory. Henry hasn't been in the new coop since it moved into the run while I've been there before.
I got four pairs of legs for SLM including Henry's. He just stands on his perch and has stopped looking nervous about the whole business. Two more to do tomorrow.
Why don't these such and such is going to end the world type articles suggest less in preference to none.:confused:
Indeed. 'Everything in moderation' is my favorite saying.
I can't get people to understand that while I can afford a new TV or whatever, the old one is still working, so it's a waste to take it to the recycling place and spend money on the lastest and greatest.
I guess that's why your economy is so strong. Thrift is not compatible with endless growth.
She is adorable, but also looks like she's just had a fright :D
He has dementia
How can you tell if a dog has dementia?
Getting the geese shut in for the night.
I can't see the big stick...;)
Henry had come to check what I was doing.
:celebrate finally he's on board with the new coop!
Tax for energy talk.
That's a stunning photo; really gorgeous. Lucky birds!
On the electric car theme, everyone promoting them has suddenly gone very quiet with the current power price shock, and the possibility or actuality of power black outs here and there.

I couldn't live here with an unreliable motor, and it is irrelevant whether it's the car itself or its power source that's unreliable.
On the electric car theme, everyone promoting them has suddenly gone very quiet with the current power price shock, and the possibility or actuality of power black outs here and there.

I couldn't live here with an unreliable motor, and it is irrelevant whether it's the car itself or its power source that's unreliable.
Don't you know everyone lives within walking distance of public transportation
Don't you know everyone lives within walking distance of public transportation
wouldn't that be nice? :hmm I trust you've been reading Shad's travails with buses and trains of late? Here the buses are 2 hours apart, in summer! And woe betide you if you want to stay out past about 7pm - if you miss the last bus (or it doesn't run) it's a £35 taxi ride:th
wouldn't that be nice? :hmm I trust you've been reading Shad's travails with buses and trains of late? Here the buses are 2 hours apart, in summer! And woe betide you if you want to stay out past about 7pm - if you miss the last bus (or it doesn't run) it's a £35 taxi ride:th
Yes it does not sound like fun, especially when bringing supplies.
On the electric car theme, everyone promoting them has suddenly gone very quiet with the current power price shock, and the possibility or actuality of power black outs here and there.

I couldn't live here with an unreliable motor, and it is irrelevant whether it's the car itself or its power source that's unreliable.
Agreed. We take lots of trips in the wilderness. Upstate NY has some beautiful country roads on the way to different destinations and mountains to hike. Many of them do not have cell service along the way. You can drive an hour or two with no gas station or bathroom. I would be petrified to drive an electric car through there, if you couldn’t access a charging station or have cell service you could get stuck for quite a long while. Even driving into the country to pick up feed from the local distributor, there is a pocket of space with no cell service.
Don't you know everyone lives within walking distance of public transportation
Nope. Definitely not. Only cities upstate have regular busses, and they go into some of the towns for a few runs. We were at a concert 40 minutes away a few months ago, and there wasn’t a bus, not even Uber service or a taxi that would pick up in that area, and it is a decent sized tourist destination in the town there.


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