Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I can open the main coop door and rearrange the hens and Henry if necessary without causing a panic. Seems a small thing but it means I can count the chickens at night and see who is sleeping where. This helps a bit for poop inspections.
Because they don't have the keep close to the rooster instilled in them going to roost is a bit of a trickle and the learning to be pro foragers like Lima and Dusk tend to stay out until twilight and this makes them hard to spot if they're in the undergrowth.
This evening Henry gave the bedtime shout and headed off to roost with Matilda, the Legbars and cloud plus a couple of the Ex Batts. I counted them as they went in and then counted those still out and I was one missing!
It took me seconds to work out it was Lima. I opened the gate and looked down the allotment and there she was about halfway down, bum in the air, head halfway down some hole she had dug. I don't know how she got out. She could have slipped past me when I opened the gate to bring in the fresh water but I don't think so. I think she flew over the fence. It's not high. The Tribes wouldn't think twice about going over.
I went and escorted her back to the gate. She wasn't any trouble really even if she was a bit reluctant to leave her freshly dug crater. If this flying business catches on I could be in trouble. She did try to go through the fence at one point!
What the problem is, is the hens, most anyway head for the coop okay at dusk but they try to take the most direct route and of course there is a fence in the way. When chickens decide they want to roost, that's pretty much what they do and for example,if their coop is closed then they'll head for the nearest safe spot off the ground. That's been my experience with the Tribes and others anyway. If a hen heads off into the hedge area where there are lots of easy off ground perches I'll be hard pressed to find them.
It's going to take time, not much probably, for them to work out they need to go through the gate. But in failing light they'll panic a bit if they can't get in.
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