Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Not that I can think of.

Maybe I should just wait a week or so then start collecting eggs again? Although I doubt my wife would allow me to try a third time.
In this abstract it is mentioned that other causes may be salpingitis from the mother or poor egg shell quality. I suppose if skeksis had salpingitis you would have noticed something off but maybe it's possible that her egg shells are more porous to bacteria than those of the bantams .
I understand your wife's point of view😟.
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It's a bit more complicated but basically if it hadn't been for Brexit things would have been a lot easier.
Brexit was one of the warning signs that made me realize either I didn't understand anything anymore about how the world worked either it had gone completely mad.
It's supposed to be a type of fence we call "closeboard" here in the UK. There are supposed to be a fixed number of boards per metre of fence. She was robbed. I went and counted.:oops:
Plus, they cut the bottom of the posts so they didn't have to dig so far. A decent wind and that will be gone.
I also think it looks nice. I hope it's not too heavy and that dominant winds will have it fall on their side, because it could cause a bit of damage. We have wind here and anything that's full, even horizontal, has to be very properly anchored. It won't look as nice if they have to pour some concrete on the low end because they cut off the part that was meant to be under the ground.
There is that risk. I've only seen it a couple of times and it's very wary. The allotments, even with the low people count is still too busy for afox in daylight hours.
If she dies when she's out of the run it will be sad but there isn't much one can do. I came to terms with predation a long time ago. I do what I can to minimise the risk but you can't prevent a determined predator in most circumstances.
May "she" remain a lone "she" and not turn into a many "they"!
Maybe you should post the sign your daughter gave you in front of the allotment to get cars to slow down 🙂.
Since Wednesday I am seeing small encouraging signals from Caramel. She is now coming down from her roost on her own in the morning, giving (failed) shots at dustbathing, and nibbling a little at layer feed. She's still very sick and weighs next to nothing though it doesn't show.


I said many times how disgusted I was at how those hen's health and bodies have been compromised. I have to say my ex-batts also amaze me by how much they will fight for life. They are certainly not the type that will die on you a few hours after noticing them being unwell ! Caramel is now the third that I see hanging on for days and days before (hopefully) getting better. They are tough mentally.
It's supposed to be a type of fence we call "closeboard" here in the UK. There are supposed to be a fixed number of boards per metre of fence. She was robbed. I went and counted.:oops:
Plus, they cut the bottom of the posts so they didn't have to dig so far. A decent wind and that will be gone.
it looks like there's a door in it directly onto the allotments - so they want access as well as separation?!?
it looks like there's a door in it directly onto the allotments - so they want access as well as separation?!?
It seems perfectly sensible to me :confused:

We live in houses with walls, and have doors to go out. We fence chicken runs but put gates in them. It is much easier to put in a gate when the fence is built, than to decide to add it later.

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