Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Lovely! I agree that chickens *talk* to each other. Mine will also *talk* to me though I don't think I'm so good @ communicating back. The exception is the evening purr...If my girls seem a tad unsettled @ roosting I will start the *purr* & eventually everyone will join in & settle down.
That's a clever idea.
Dry and not cold this afternoon. Chatted to C for a bit and suggested that we could dispense with the two lage buckets for the geese in the allotment run and just keep one in the goose run and another small bucket to be emptied daily in the allotment run. I also suggested that some lightweight bird netting over the chicken coop run might be sensible.
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The picture below illustrates my point about the size of Henry compared to the Legbars and Ex Battery hen. Henry could almost tep over the hen on his left and yes he does have a big arse.
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I don't know. It wasn't windy, or cold and they do this.
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Matilda is moulting and prefers to lie in the nest box at night currently. Lime got on the outisde roost bar on her own. Henry had already gone in. Matilda arrived and went into join Henry and Lima hopped off the perch and went in to join them.
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That last picture is quite touching. Is Henry watching while the hen dustbathes ?
On the one where he is roosting it looks like the tip of his comb is going black again. Seen from this close, his face does look old.
I should say; that's enormous! :lau

maybe a different sort of wind blew from one of the girls on the left :oops: :lol:
Oh no 😮 I was thinking some kind of political statement to their doorman!
I am changing the name of one of this year's pullets; this one just has to be called Frida :D - not just because of the unibrow, but also a good Swedish name
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I'll try to get a better photo tomorrow; the camera seems to have focussed on the bird behind, but I think you can see the unibrow clearly enough anyway :p
Can Frieda see normally or are you going to have to trim this thing 😂?
Lovely! I agree that chickens *talk* to each other. Mine will also *talk* to me though I don't think I'm so good @ communicating back. The exception is the evening purr...If my girls seem a tad unsettled @ roosting I will start the *purr* & eventually everyone will join in & settle down.
That's a great trick to know. I always try to sing lullabies to calm down the roosting drama but it really doesn't work. I can't purr at all though, but maybe I can register one of them doing it, and play it to them ! Or, try to practice 🤔.
So when I went out this morning around 5:30 to drop the chicken ramp, I saw Skeksis had a bloody wound on the side of her face. My working theory is that she scratched herself a bit while itching her face. My headlamp was dying (forgot to recharge it) and I needed to get ready for work, so I asked my wife if she could check on her once the sun came up. My wife later reported she got ambushed and pecked on the leg by the 1 lb (if that) Chippy when she turned her back (same style as her dad Mr. Bumble). Thought the story was kind of funny. Here is the pic she sent me of the tiny brute:

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@Ribh , lot of catching up to do?
Enjoying it? 👍❤️🤣

@Shadrach , do readers who like us a lot, have to pay tax too?
I don't know BDutch. I would tax them if I could, and the ones that don't like us as well.:lol:
To pay tax one has to go and find a chicken. That means people have to spend time with a chicken. Can't go wrong really.:confused::D

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