Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Very interesting. I don't think I have these genes. I only eat meat about twice per week but the times in my life I tried to cut it out completely I would just be exhausted and in a brain fog al the time. I have a low red blood cell count (normal, but on the very low end of normal) so when I do eat meat, I go for the higher iron meats. Eggs and sardines are also helpful to keeping my energy level steady.
Same with me. I feel better when I eat meats.
Same with me. I feel better when I eat meats.
Yeah, I mean you won't see me at Bonanza grill stuffing down a 2lb steak (excessive), but small portions of meat a few times a week and an egg per day really help to keep me on an even keel. Also, not eating grain. I do eat quinoa and amaranth for carbs, but they are seeds. And of course the plantains and cassava we grow are good high fiber nutrient rich carbs without gluten.
I’ve only just found this thread and don’t have enough time to read through it all, but I’ve read the earliest pages and some of the later ones to try and get a feel for it. Thank you for helping this flock, @Shadrach. And I’m sorry about those geese. It is infuriating when people don’t even try.

I’m in the U.K. and currently help care for my parents’ flock of 19 (was 20 on Monday 😩). My parents are good people but don’t care for the chickens as I would if I lived there. Currently I work from their house on weekdays so can do a lot with the flock but I don’t control what they are fed etc. 14 of the current 19 are sort of rescues… 1 is a remaining ex-batt, 8 just arrived last week from people in the village who let them get into a real state and 5 came from someone else in the village last year who did the same. It makes me so mad! The other 5 are accidental homebreds (hen disappeared, we thought eaten by fox, but was on eggs in the hedge). I am trying my best with lots of issues, no good local poultry vets and limited products (I also use a lot of pigeon stuff). But at least we try.

I hope you are feeling OK @Shadrach… I know I’ve missed most of the thread but I think I got the gist and I realise how frustrated you must feel sometimes and how sad it is to see this flock without adequate care. They are lucky to have you.
Weelcome to this thread as it is very friendly and very informative.
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Very interesting. I don't think I have these genes. I only eat meat about twice per week but the times in my life I tried to cut it out completely I would just be exhausted and in a brain fog al the time. I have a low red blood cell count (normal, but on the very low end of normal) so when I do eat meat, I go for the higher iron meats. Eggs and sardines are also helpful to keeping my energy level steady.
Oh, i’m not vegetarian by any means, just lost the habit of eating meat. I find it really hard to digest but I always thought it was because I eat it so rarely, like milk and butter. I never thought it could be related to genetics, but who knows ?
I’m also a bit low on red cells, iron, and vit D, so on top of regularly eating sardines and eggs, I try to get good blood sausage when it's available around Christmas, which is not exactly the common veggie food 😂.
Grain is just the name for a certain type of seed
I think what is addressed by those who ban grains is maybe gluten ?
I’m a gluten addict just like @Ladies-Eight is addicted to meat 😉.

Cockerel bath for tax. The dude got all the earth out of the barrel so it's not the best place around anymore.
Yeah, I mean you won't see me at Bonanza grill stuffing down a 2lb steak (excessive), but small portions of meat a few times a week and an egg per day really help to keep me on an even keel. Also, not eating grain. I do eat quinoa and amaranth for carbs, but they are seeds. And of course the plantains and cassava we grow are good high fiber nutrient rich carbs without gluten.
Green plantains are great. Cassava is good as well, but I can only eat small amounts at a time or else it wrecks my digestive system.
I've tried all sort of ways of eating, some of that was trying to disguise an eating disorder, and some of it was trying to resolve digestive and hormonal health issues. I've been vegetarian, gluten free, wheat free, dairy free, all of the above at once, keto, paleo.... for over 15 years of my life I was restricting my eating in some way or another.

Now I eat anything and everything, in moderation. I cook and bake at least 80% of what we eat (including breads, sauces etc). No restrictions on that though, I cook/bake with plenty of flour, sugar, salt and butter. I've finally (mostly) accepted the way my body wants to be, and I can maintain that with little effort. It's just chunkier than a younger me was willing to accept.

The main component in my life that resolved my digestive and hormone issues was being happy and not stressed all the time. Easier said than done! But the moment I lose my grip on stressors, all the issues are right back again. That's actually one of the reasons I disappear from online every so often, I'm trying to manage overwhelm.

I'll have to get some excellent rooster photos for tax after this!
It's been an everything all at once kind of day. Four hours with a break mid afternoon for a cup of tea.
This is what I found walking up the path through the allotments to the chicken run. What C has done is throw the dead geese into the wooded top corner close to where the fox lives. I need to make this quite clear, I don't have a problem with this but plenty of people may. The things is it's illegal. It's not a bit naughty illegal, it's prosecution lose lease kind of illegal. The remaining two males are going to be Christmas dinner I believe. Unfortunate and I wish I could write they've had a good life.:(

We have a new group treasurer. The group has been without a treasurer for at least five years, for which of course, there are no proper accounts. The Vice Chairman has under a bit of pressure resigned. We'll be sacking the Chairman when we can get hold of him.
We have a commitee; there are some problems to iron out but they're there.
After many years of trying to see the full lease documant we now have a copy; two now in fact.
C has accepted a document I drafted which acts as a reciept for plot payments with the allotment rules.
C is "taking a break" from the allotment for the next couple of months at least. We shall see.

I have a date to view the flat on offer. That's a major step forward.

The eldest's husband came back from their holidays with Covid. It seems likely that the youngest has Covid as well.:rolleyes:

Fret is moulting so her and Henry make a sorry looking pair at the moment. The chicks seem fine as does their mother. She's still doing the mother bit but a lot more relaxed. She goes off to roost before the chicks now but if the chicks shout for her for some reason she comes back out.

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