Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

'goes off' = it sours, and separates into curds and whey, both of which chickens like and is good for them, so if it does 'go off' in your fridge, just take the bottle/carton and pour the contents carefully into one or two bowls when you get to the allotments, and problem solved! Mine prefer curds, and whey is also good plant food, so you could use any leftovers on your veg beds :p
Yes, okay, goes off...:rolleyes::lol:

I do not want to be buying a larger fridge.:duc
lots indeed! I had no idea you have such large flocks!
If one is going to be eating them on a regular basis having a few is likely to leave one hungry.:lol:
Molpet farms their turkeys and chickens from what I understand. They are not like me and some others who pour thousands of pounds down their little birdies throats just for the joy of it.
If one is going to be eating them on a regular basis having a few is likely to leave one hungry.:lol:
Molpet farms their turkeys and chickens from what I understand. They are not like me and some others who pour thousands of pounds down their little birdies throats just for the joy of it.

lots indeed! I had no idea you have such large flocks!

I mainly eat poultry and eggs. I traded turkey eggs for heritage grass fed beef and pork, also a couple months of feed. I still have some meat in the freezer. I eat about a lb of either beef or pork a month...and a chicken or half a turkey a week.
Unfortunately the farmer I was trading with sold... because during COVID people were buying small farms for crazy prices. He made great feed.
Round here they graze grass in fields.
Round here most farmers don’t let their cows graze anymore. In general its mainly the organic and circular farmers who still do. But their milk and other dairy products don’t come cheap.🥛 Price in €. Biologisch means organic.


Fish and Chips used to be a poor mans dinner out.:old
Here its highly processed sort of sausage (kroket or frikandel) with chips.

Tax with a lot of nostalgia for skimming:
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Wet and hazy; partly due to the foul weather and partly to my new glasses which are UV sensitive varifocals. I've never had varifocals before. The new glasses tint grey and the weather looked better with the glasses on than it did with them off, more dramatic at least.
No water puddle from Carbon this morning. Still a long way from solid thought. But, from what I saw today she's either got a bit stronger or has learnt to compensate for whatever it is that makes her tip over.
I've got apple cider with mother in the drinking water; she doesn't like it.
I've got rooster booster mix in with the crumble mash. She doesn't like that much either. :barnie
She did eat quite a lot of the commercial feed today, mainly because their time on the allotment was very restricted by the rain and wind.
Here's Carbon eating off the ground again one considered peck at a time.
Chuck some of my birddseed style grain mix on the floor and she runs around trying to drive the youngsters off. Carbon likes the seed mix.:rolleyes:

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One wouldn't know there was anything wrong with her until one saw a scene like this.View attachment 3674668

The weather people are promising a mainly dry day tomorrow and I'll get better opportunities to watch her.

Out and about when it wasn't raining.
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And when it was...
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OMG! I came to check in and you have chickens I don’t know! And I don’t see Lima. 💔 I’ve been gone too long.
One of the nameless one billion battery chickens that die each year in the UK because of peoples demand for chicken eggs died this morning sometime after 6.30 am.
But, this hen wasn't nameless. She was called Lima.
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Awww… there she is. Sweet girl. 💔

I don’t know why her death is making me cry. She had a wonderful second chance at life with you.

I know this is old news, but I haven’t been on BYC much.

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