Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Thanksgiving is one of the few holidays I care about, albeit it's a bit different now that I eat healthy and in moderation instead of just stuffing down whatever in ridiculous amounts. Going to the in-laws' for this one (will be the first Thanksgiving there since I got married; last Thanksgiving at their place was right before getting married).
It sounds like a fun holiday.

In Australia it's socially acceptable to have the time off work without participating in the reason for the holiday.

Lots of people don't celebrate ANZAC day. Lots of people don't celebrate Easter or Christmas. Lots of people don't celebrate workers on Labour Day. Lots of people don't celebrate the King's birthday.

But we all take the time off work if at all possible.
actually I skip the family stuff since covid... My one cousin is the only one still in the area. She used to have a nice feast.. But I'm a hermit and its an good excuse.
My Turkey boys were fighting and I was able to grab one without the other turkeys noticing in the melee . Some chickens did see me carrying him by their coop and freaked.
I had just taken one out of the freezer to thaw a few hrs earlier. I put him back and will have to try that the next time I want to catch one LOL
That'll teach them to not fight!
Last time I cooked Thanksgiving was 2020, I was pregnant and did everything including a from-scratch pie for my husband and myself. This year my mom's kitchen is being remodeled so since I live next door I decided to do the turkey. I have some white pumpkins ready to go, if I feel well enough during the week I'll make a pale pumpkin pie.
It turns out all of my birds are hens! So I'll hopefully get green eggs from my olive egger after all. :) And there are two silkie mixes, so maybe little cream eggs too!
Edit: forgot the tax!
I'm curious about American holidays. Does anyone opt out of a holiday? Will anyone opt out of thanksgiving?

Tax for bringing up a topic that isn't about chickens.

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We pretty much opt out of most holidays. Since my boys are grown and we don't have any little ones around, we don't bother, but it is a nice 4-day weekend.
I would love tamales! :drool
They are easy to make, just time consuming. When I lived in AZ, I had a group of friends that would all get together, drink, crank up music and do a production line of tamale making and later eating, but I just do not socialize anymore, except with my sons, husband, chickens, dogs, cats, wild birds and bunnies, etc. Amazing how much happier and more peaceful I am.
It sounds like a fun holiday.

In Australia it's socially acceptable to have the time off work without participating in the reason for the holiday.

Lots of people don't celebrate ANZAC day. Lots of people don't celebrate Easter or Christmas. Lots of people don't celebrate workers on Labour Day. Lots of people don't celebrate the King's birthday.

But we all take the time off work if at all possible.
I find it quite funny that in France (which is "officially Catholic") that people do not have to work on the six Holy Days of Obligation. I somewhat doubt that the average person in France actually believes that the archangel Gabriel visited the Virgin Mary to somehow magically impregnate her with God's baby, or that Jesus ascended bodily into Heaven like Spock being beamed aboard the Starship Enterprise.

But any reason for a day off is a good reason I suppose.
I'm curious about American holidays. Does anyone opt out of a holiday? Will anyone opt out of thanksgiving?

Tax for bringing up a topic that isn't about chickens.

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I don't celebrate any holidays. One of the many nice things about my partner Juan is that he doesn't see any need to participate in them either. Of course holidays are different here in Ecuador, but neither of us keep track of when they are, much less engage in any sort of family or eating ritual.

Juan lived away from his country and family in the US for almost 20 years, so that's probably his reason -- in addition to his hermit-like nature. I grew up on basically a compound of extended family. 2 blocks (6 houses) where my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all lived in one big, loud, Italian American intergenerational clan. For holidays, all 50-60 of us would cram into my grandparents house somehow to eat and gossip and pretend we liked each other. Well, maybe some of them actually did, who knows. We had to rent big folding tables and metal folding chairs from the church and once we sat down, it was literally elbow to elbow, shin to shin, until the meal was over. Which, being Italian, the meal took hours. There was only enough room to maneuver to pass the ravioli. During prayers, I prayed for the day I would be old enough to excuse myself from the table to wash dishes in the kitchen.

Anyway, being something of a black sheep, it was all pretty traumatizing. So I pretty much stopped all holiday activity once I was old enough to move out.
I thought they had seperated.
I would have gone to try to meet them. Huge influence in the world. I still liosten to lots of George's productions.
What a pity you didn't know.
Great picture of George and one of him and his now ex wife I believe.
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Parliament- Funkadelic was a huge presence in Washington DC in the 90s when I was a bicycle messenger there. This is back when funk and go-go was the theme music of Chocolate City. On every corner downtown you could find an enterprising businessman selling dime bags hidden in incense boxes blasting Give up the Funk from a boom box. When you said "Clinton" back then and there, it meant "George" -- not the other ones -- at least to the right people.
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