Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

About three hours today. 0C, dry with a NW wind.
Dig decided he might take on a dog this afternoon.

I was sitting in my chair outside the run when I hear Henry give the warning call and every bodies heads shot up. I couldn't see what they could because we were facing in opposite directions. Next thing I know Dig has launched himself accross 30 metres to my right and was standing in front of a dog on a lead (regular walker through the field. The Dog is old and mostly blind.) shouting the odds. Poor dog owner looked completely nonplussed kind of transfixed as Dig shuffled around in front of her.
I had to go over and usher Dig away. He didn't chase them once they started walking away which is good.

There's been a bit about cold weather chicken keeping on the site.
The reason Henry is hunched up is because he's feeling cold. It's only 0C (32F) He was fine all afternoon while active and out in the sunshine. Once the sun went down and they came back into the allotment run for supper he looked uncomfortable. Carbon also hunched up. Fret fluffed up but didn't hunch. Dig and Mow didn't seem at all bothered. Henry is at least eight years. Carbon is sixish years old and Fret I think, is about four, maybe five. Dig and Carbon are juveniles.

They got through 400grams of feed mix this afternoon and there were still a little feed left in the overnigh tray.
0C with real feel at -4C:eek: Stayed dry though with sunshine and pale blue winter sky. Even Dig looked a bit cold once he has stopped charging about. Mow just wanders off and goes foraging while Henry, Fret and Carbon tend to hang around together.
Fed cleaned out and watered. Out and about for two hours. I was there for two and a half hours, the extra half hours clearing some fallen tree debris.






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