Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Easy clean floor.

Needed a towel on the only bit of soft furnishings I had.

For somereason Fat Bird was fond of sitting on my laptop.

Knock wondering if the chickens she saw on the screen are hiding under the desk.
She's the only one currently. One of the other three broke via the attempted rehoming, and two spent two or three days in broody jail, where young Idris now is. Pressure's on to make space by June to let at least one hen sit...
Scratch that. Rhondda's flipped now ( :barnie ), so we're at 2. She'll be joining Idris in jail later...
Scratch that. Rhondda's flipped now ( :barnie ), so we're at 2. She'll be joining Idris in jail later...
I have three not laying.

Tamar is sitting on 6 eggs I ordered after culling Samuel. The other six are in an incubator. She's been consistent enough to "trust".

Yep, she's in a wheelbarrow.

Rahab is practicing, sits on faux eggs, but keeps switching nesting boxes.

I don't trust her with fertilized eggs, yet. The ones I got are on Day 14.

Martha's not cut the apron strings, yet. She's been a good broody, and great momma. She's got all the chicks on the roost, while protecting them from the other hens.


I am hoping to get at least a couple pullets from the eggs...
Three hours today. Warmish with the occasional spitty shower.
Fret got off her nest shortly after my arrival. It looks like an egg has hatched early. Not sure what happened here. It's possible Fret broke the egg.
I let her stay off the nest long enough to eat a little and have a drink; she had alread had a poop in the coop, and ushered her back to the nest in the hope that she might save the chick. I'll see tomorrow. I'm not going to interfere. If the chick is dead tomorrow I'll take it out and hope Fret continues to sit.

It's the growing season so the chickens are confined to the allotment run; not the coop run, but the fenced area between their coop and the goose coop. On the plus side I've got an agreement to extend the the chicken coop run into the abondoned fruit bush plot. The bushes in the are well established and while the chickens may eat the low hanging fruit I think the bushes will survive.


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