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Even better - I posted once "I have 2 Barred Rock cockerels to a good home" The reply was "I would love these, I heard BR are great layers". My reply was "these are male" their reply "Oh, I don't need any more roosters, sorry". The next person replies "What is the gender of these?" I replied, "Please see my first two replies, these are cockerels - they're boys" they reply "no thanks, no roosters for me". Then the last reply was "I want these!!" I replied "just so you know, they are male - see pictures I posted of them, bright red huge comb and wattles". Their reply "ugh, no I didn't know they were roosters".

Sheesh! The art of reading comprehension is gone. (and being able to tell a rooster from a hen by pictures - of an older age, anyway)

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