Shavings vs Sand


7 Years
Apr 17, 2017
Greenville, SC
We've been having lots of rain here in South Carolina and my chicken run is starting to smell. The run is covered but the rain does blow in sometimes from the sides and also because my backyard slopes and if it rains heavily, it will run through. I've read on Chicken Chick that she prefers sand and her reasons for it. Now, my sister wants to change over. We use shavings and it works really well when it's dry besides being cheaper and lighter to clean out. I also like the compost it provides. So, I guess what I'm wanting to know is, those of you that use shavings, how do you keep it from stinking when it gets really damp?
Sand is a mess too when it gets wet. We use sand inside our turkey shed and sift out droppings daily.

In my run I do deep litter which can include some shavings. Otherwise shavings should be cleaned out when wet as they will mold. Deep litter gets turned by the chickens so it doesn't mold as long as the stuff wasn't too deep when added.

You can also turn the shavings if only damp with the hopes of drying them out.
I'm in Southern California where we don't get rain and my run never gets wet.

I'm with you, though, on the benefits of shavings for the compost pile. Plus you can change them out periodically and start fresh again. But then I only use them in the coop and the run is loose soil.

Won't your shavings dry out? I mean it's a temporary condition, no, even if it's smelly now. But have you considered removing the smelly shavings to the compost pile and leaving the ground uncovered until the weather improves?
I do deep litter, mainly with wood chips for drainage and dried leaves and grass clippings for composting down. Once it gets going it shouldn't have much smell, even if you're standing in the run, because the poop gets broken down along with the litter materials. We get a lot of rain and the run isn't roofed, but on the plus side we do have excellent drainage and ample run space for the number of birds so this form of litter system works well for us.

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