Shaw and the Hound

You know I do expect a lot more puppy pictures from you than what these other people post. :pop
Do NOT disappoint me.
She is out of it now..

I had to lighten the picture so you could see where her head is.
I am finding a new pup a lot of work.

It appears she is slightly spoiled. I think our granddaughters really played with and favored her over the rest of the litter when they found out it was Grandma and Grandpa getting her.

It’s puppy nap time, however, puppy does not think it is.

We had an interesting day. She met chickens for the first time. She learned people get upset when she follows chickens at a run.

She learned to climb steps, that she doesn’t like power tools. She learned yipping will not get her out of her kennel. She learned to whimper and feel sorry for herself.

She had her first lesson in obedience, lesson one was sitting. She gets a “C” in sit.

After the 90 decibel yipping and barking stopped this started.. it didn’t last long though. She fell to sleep.

I am finding a new pup a lot of work.

It appears she is slightly spoiled. I think our granddaughters really played with and favored her over the rest of the litter when they found out it was Grandma and Grandpa getting her.

It’s puppy nap time, however, puppy does not think it is.

We had an interesting day. She met chickens for the first time. She learned people get upset when she follows chickens at a run.

She learned to climb steps, that she doesn’t like power tools. She learned yipping will not get her out of her kennel. She learned to whimper and feel sorry for herself.

She had her first lesson in obedience, lesson one was sitting. She gets a “C” in sit.

After the 90 decibel yipping and barking stopped this started.. it didn’t last long though. She fell to sleep.

😂 I had forgotten how much work a puppy was too when I got Mason.
Especially the potty training.
You do! It is work but It's a good way to keep yourself active.
Plus dogs make better companions than people most of the time. 😝
Fortunately for me, the kind of puppy I would want is not readily available here. As far as keeping active, I have more than enough going on to keep me active.

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