She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

I have actually been looking at some other (chicken) forums where adults can speak freely (but w/o vulgarity) because I am tired of being called out on minor things such as everyday language. I think "family friendly" is great and I totally agree on having a forum where vulgarity, sexually explicit talk and/or images are prohibited, heck, I can even agree with a ban on the use of a certain word, but when I'm starting to feel like I am a big sister and hearing "Mommy...she said this, mommy she did that" and I'm not down with that.
That's why you just
them and keep laughing

Did I tell you I bought Ameraucanas?
I have no idea but those chickens are awesome.

I don't worry about them, but I'm worried about customers getting them when the boys start selling the eggs.

Did I ask you who I should buy BCM eggs from yet? I need to get some on the way so they can be ready by spring.
I have to ask, is there a reason for a customer to be unhappy because the egg is a double yolker? I mean, if they are eating eggs. We've never thought twice about cracking a double yolker open and using it.
Thank god you found her. That has been driving me nuts ever since you asked

Yes, LadyCat. Very highly recommended
Well I didn't "find" her. I'm not even sure how to look her up on here, but I'm sure the advanced search has the answer.

Then only reason I know of the handle is because the BCM cockerel I have was giving to me from someone that got eggs from her. Interesting.

Searching now.....
I am so lost on sexing Polish. I will say that yesterday, when I was gathering up the chicks, at 3 months old the wattles were a good indicator. White crested polish hens will have wattles, too, but the males are much more pronouned. The crests fool me, but the wattles were a dead giveaway. I probably could have sold the pullets for more money, but at least selling at a group price I was able to move the cockerels as well. I needed that pen cleared out, because that's where I want to grow out my BCMs over the winter

I wasn't asking about sexing yet... I was asking about color. But good info anyway...

Better let him out before he calls his friends


That's just disgusting. A sincere phobia of mine... so you get
for that.
Hi, thanks on my setup! Now as for yours too young yet to tell and I wouldn't hazard a guess yet at them. The crests on the centre one and the one to the left say boy the one to the right says girl. But this is just a guess and not gospel. I've got one just like them in this batch of chicks. It's just like your centre one exactly the same crest and everything, even the odd black spot in it. I sold the other one like it and the lady emailed some pics and hers too has the odd black spot. It really is like you have the twin to mine

Mine hatched out of a WCB hens egg she is in with the silver lace roo. I'm thinking and this too is just a guess as genetics are really not my thing. Is that the black and white on both parent birds will produce either a white or black chick? I'm not sure though on this maybe a bit more research would help me. If I had more room I would love to breed for pure colour of each chick. But for now it has to be mixed bunch, this does add for a little variety though. I've hot a gold lace chick but it has a white crest coming in, I'm very interested to see how it's going to turn out and it's my fav little chick.

I figured they were way too young to tell the boys from the girls. Its funny that we have twins... all the way across the pond. That's actually pretty cool! If you don't know how they will color out, I doubt anyone does! So I'll just wait... impatiently...

I have actually been looking at some other (chicken) forums where adults can speak freely (but w/o vulgarity) because I am tired of being called out on minor things such as everyday language. I think "family friendly" is great and I totally agree on having a forum where vulgarity, sexually explicit talk and/or images are prohibited, heck, I can even agree with a ban on the use of a certain word, but when I'm starting to feel like I am a big sister and hearing "Mommy...she said this, mommy she did that" and I'm not down with that.

x2. Nuff said.

That's why you just
them and keep laughing

Did I tell you I bought Ameraucanas?

Ameraucanas? Really? I'd have never guessed....
Well I didn't "find" her. I'm not even sure how to look her up on here, but I'm sure the advanced search has the answer.

Then only reason I know of the handle is because the BCM cockerel I have was giving to me from someone that got eggs from her. Interesting.

Searching now.....
I have been going through every thread I ever posted on trying to find her name, but that was it. People love her and her chickens. From what I've read, she packs them really well, the hatch rates are high, and she has good chickens.
The 24 I set yesterday were from my sub-par rooster. The plan is to get 30 or 40 on the ground, grow them out over the winter, and see if I have any better stock to choose from. Since I am only hatching for myself now, I didn't mind tying up the incubator with pullet eggs. I hope they all hatch, but if not that will give Tate 3 more weeks to practice his aim

I will have you know, though, that I post pics of the BBS Am on the Am thread, and they loved them
I wasn't asking about sexing yet... I was asking about color. But good info anyway...

That's just disgusting. A sincere phobia of mine... so you get
for that.

I figured they were way too young to tell the boys from the girls. Its funny that we have twins... all the way across the pond. That's actually pretty cool! If you don't know how they will color out, I doubt anyone does! So I'll just wait... impatiently...

x2. Nuff said.

Ameraucanas? Really? I'd have never guessed....
Boy, you get all lippy back in the hills, don't you?

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