Shipment of chicks ... problem!

Well... the trash goes out on Monday so ...

ETA: what do other people do?

My daughter has lost two fish, and each time made me hold a funeral service for them. Don't know what she'll do if we lose a chick.
oh how heartbreaking, i am so sorry for your loss.........
We always bury ours. If they'd of lived they would have been loved and not thought of as trash. So I tend to treat them that way in death too. To each her own though. Sorry you had to go through this. I'd be a mess.
Depends on the weather. My favorite lavender guinea had to go in the trash yesterday. In the summer I bury them. Is there really another choice when the ground is frozen solid under a foot of snow?

Sorry about the babies
Personally, I'd rather leave them for the varmints to dispose of (probably the foxes in our neighborhood). I hate contributing to the local dump. It's a veritable mountain of trash on what used to be a really beautiful valley.
There's nothing short of fencing our yard and having a dog out there running loose that would keep the varmints out of our yard. We have foxes, coyotes, raccoons, hawks, snakes, rats and many others; due to living next to about twenty acres of un-cut forest.

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