shipping in two boxes? Confused

label says:

5 barred rocks
8 black australorp
8 buff orps
10 easter eggers
8 golden laced wyandottes
8 silver laced wyandottes
5 rhode island reds
What a great mix! I have the same except for the GLW and not that many of course!

Don't feel guilty selling them. You have to build another brooder, feed/water and care for them. All of that takes time and money.
Check out the BYC Coops section for brooder ideas, those plastic swimming pools, big cardboard boxes etc all can be used to start with depending on how long you plan to keep the chicks.
I have mine in a big watermelon box I got from Wal-Mart. It was FREE!

I had 15 chicks in there when this pic was taken. Now I have 21. If your lucky, you can get two and tape them together. You do need something for the bottom since there isn't one. I got a big tarp,folded it up and sat the box on top. Works like a charm!

But now I have a very grouchy husband who just took off to Lowe's to buy plywood to
try to work on a bigger brooder. . . he is NOT amused by this. although I am. . .once I
got over the shock. .

Oh my goodness, what a situation! I can totally relate to the grumpy husband though! Mine would probably be very sure I did it on purpose lol! 79 babies, lol! Any sign of the second box?
Wow, I can see hubby grumping but he'll get over it. Fuzzy cottonballs with legs do that to people.

For that many babies I would make sure you have, electrolytes, probiotics, vitamins, no pick, corid and any other med first aid supplies you can think of to have on hand. Get them settled and grown a bit and I am sure you could find them homes. Some areas have rescues / organizations that give the eggs to food banks I would see if there any in your area that may need some more potential layers.

Good luck with the fuzzy butts!
my goodness 52 chicks and still your 27 coming...good lord i wouldn't know what to do...i only have room to keep maybe 20 for a few weeks...if i got that many i'd have to start giving them away/selling almost right away(almost cause i'd make sure they were healthy and recovered from their trip first)
This is NOT my order and should have gone to california. . there are FIFTY TWO chicks in this box.
NONE of them are mine. the name is not mine. . . .which means the other box has TWENTY SEVEN
MORE chicks in it. WTH am I going to do with 79 chicks??
WTH?!?!? Where are you located?

I wouldn't feel guilty selling them to pay for the brooder materials and extra feed.

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