Shipping of eggs??

Yep they are on the way......Enjoy..Mine are marked Fragile hatching eggs....Each egg is wrapped in bubble wrap. Then the box is lined with bubble wrap...then in rows, the eggs are taped to bubble wrap...then taped together....more bubble wrap....more packing peanuts.......more tape....more bubble....close box and their off to the races....

Yes enjoy all the tape...I think the more tape, the less the move around the box and the better the eggs come out at the end.
My mail lady did the same thing twice. The first time was chicks I ordered, I actually went in and told them I was expecting them and left my phone number. My mail lady actually brought them to my house before she did her route and she did the same thing with my eggs. I really think its all in where you live, Im in the country in a small town and they are very nice. I think in citys====not so much but could be wrong.
My eggs are individually wrapped in bubble wrap-packaged in an egg carton-packed with newspapers so as not to move during shipment-I also mark FRAGILE HATCHING EGGS please handle with care and I have arrows pointing a certain way so that the eggs stay pointy end down during shipment. My post office loves to see me-I've shown them photos of my birds-they have seen my chicks and they buy eating eggs from me-I know my PO crew is awesome once it leaves them though I dont know what happens but Ive had great shipping luck so far! Ive been shipping for over a year and have had 1 egg that was broke but thats because the box was smashed when the buyer got them:-( I sent 12 eggs-1 was broke 8 hatched:) I hope you get your eggs tomorrow!!!
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I have marked boxes do not x-ray . sure they may open the box, but better than X-RAY. If you block them from x-rays, the box will be pull for inspection for sure....

I place one of each on top of the boxes.

Hi, I just had eggs shipped a few weeks ago and my broody is sitting on them right now, it's day 12 - we are candling tomorrow, I'll be upset if they were handled recklessly and eggs are not developing well. I'll get back to you tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed.

SoNew, I am not talking about YOUR eggs
, I hope you don't think I seem snotty and ungrateful, I also won another auction and those eggs were shipped Tuesday, they should have been here today, I'm not faulting the shipper either he done his part. I been tracking them and found that they have been sitting in Pittsburgh since last night at 11:58pm!!!!! They sat there all day today too! Now mind you Pittsburgh is only 1 1/2 away from here they should have been here today!!!! This is the reason for my rant and questions I am worried about them getting to cold and not hatching when I get them! I just hope they were sitting somewhere NOT freezing!!!
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SoNew, I am not talking about YOUR eggs
, I hope you don't think I seem snotty and ungrateful, I also won another auction and those eggs were shipped Tuesday, they should have been here today, I'm not faulting the shipper either he done his part. I been tracking them and found that they have been sitting in Pittsburgh since last night at 11:58pm!!!!! They sat there all day today too! Now mind you Pittsburgh is only 1 1/2 away from here they should have been here today!!!! This is the reason for my rant and questions I am worried about them getting to cold and not hatching when I get them! I just hope they were sitting somewhere NOT freezing!!!

I didnt think your were snotty one bit! Im very glad you didnt mean my eggs too LOL.. I thought hmmm she cant be talking about mine I just sent them haha--I understand though. My daughter had been watching her bday gift sit in another states PO for days now! Her bday was 2 weeks ago and I had to return it because it was NOT what I ordered for her. Now her ipod touch is sitting 3 hours away! She better get it tomorrow or my ears are going to burn off from her crabbing at me!!!
Yea that sitting for a day or two is ridiculous, people have to pay the extra money for faster shipping it should be given a date and it it doesn't arrive on time the shipper should get there money back or something, there should be some penalty for that. Or maybe I am just Negative Nelly today!! But I had it all planned out and I hate it when I must change a well thought out plan, I planned on having chicklets hatching on Christmas, now my incubator is on for no reason and my Christmas morning won't be the same LOL. Well I hope your daughter gets her birthday present soon. Thanks for listening/reading my rant (everyone)
AHHHHH I called my post office bright and early this morning to have them hold my eggs so I could pick them up so they didn't have to go through any more traveling..........guess what??????? They aren't there!
Which probably means I won't get them toady either or tomorrow for that matter!!
So at this point I am assuming my hatch rate has dropped significantly and my Christmas hatch is SHOT!! But on a better note I am going to pick up free lumber today to build a chicken coop!!!

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