Shocker Price for Feed

I think the hardest thing for a lot of people is that they are getting bad information from the feed store. When I moved up to AL, my closest feed store looked at me like I was crazy when I asked for unmedicated chick starter. The only unmedicated feed they had was layer ration. They then told me that around here people just feed their ducks cracked corn and did not understand why I would by feed for them. But they also thought I was crazy for having muscovy.

Another local store, same thing.

The people I got my muscovy from here would free range and give them dog food and some scratch in the evening.

Many of the people where I live (VERY small town and rural) don't think that you should have to go to the expense of feeding livestock (particularly birds) and just supplement what the animals find on their pasture.

Corn is cheap, relatively speaking and makes birds large albeit fat.

So, I have to drive an extra 15 miles to get to TSC for what I want.
Same mentality around here for the most part, not just on feed but other things too, like treating for worms, the fellow at the feed store told me to put bleach in their drinking water. also to use malathon for spraying out the coops, This is someone who has chickens too. Live stock aren't thought of too highly by some folks.
I will mix a bit of corn into the layer feed (16 percent protein) and that is their feed. They also forage during the day and find all sorts of bugs, grasses and other goodies. When I bought the WH, I was told she was supplemented with corn, but her main diet consisted of whatever she would forage for during the day. The farmer had a large large large area where the ducks could roam and graze, and he offered corn. Corn can be bad if that is the ONLY thing you give, but yeah, I do mix it into the feed. Going to hide under a desk now..........
I will mix a bit of corn into the layer feed (16 percent protein) and that is their feed. They also forage during the day and find all sorts of bugs, grasses and other goodies. When I bought the WH, I was told she was supplemented with corn, but her main diet consisted of whatever she would forage for during the day. The farmer had a large large large area where the ducks could roam and graze, and he offered corn. Corn can be bad if that is the ONLY thing you give, but yeah, I do mix it into the feed. Going to hide under a desk now..........
I'll climb under with you because the scratch grain I buy has 7 different grains in it and one being corn so yes mine get a sprinkling of 7way scratch on their feed in the mornings too.
Same mentality around here for the most part, not just on feed but other things too, like treating for worms, the fellow at the feed store told me to put bleach in their drinking water. also to use malathon for spraying out the coops, This is someone who has chickens too. Live stock aren't thought of too highly by some folks.

Yep I agree with you. I take the approach on the ranch our animals reflect on us; animals look healthy, not ill, means they are taken care of. In this area, quality hay is now hard to find due to the drought. Some ranchers here will feed their cattle ANYTHING, even junk hay. My uncle sold the hay he cut to pay for better quality hay which he feeds his cattle. The hay he sold was ok (not crappy) but he knew the animals could use better. For some folks $$ talks, but what they don't realize, it will come back to bite them in the a** when they go to sell them and their reputation will go to crap too. Hell, some ranchers don't even see the point in spraying cattle for flies in the summer....just sad :(
Yep I agree with you. I take the approach on the ranch our animals reflect on us; animals look healthy, not ill, means they are taken care of. In this area, quality hay is now hard to find due to the drought. Some ranchers here will feed their cattle ANYTHING, even junk hay. My uncle sold the hay he cut to pay for better quality hay which he feeds his cattle. The hay he sold was ok (not crappy) but he knew the animals could use better. For some folks $$ talks, but what they don't realize, it will come back to bite them in the a** when they go to sell them and their reputation will go to crap too. Hell, some ranchers don't even see the point in spraying cattle for flies in the summer....just sad :(
That sure is, glad to hear your uncle has integrity thats is so important me anyway. I sit out everyday and watch my flocks making sure they are looking good foraging and just living the good life, and I am pleased with how they look, I spend quite a bit of money on feed for them but they pay me back in so many ways, it is very peaceful and relaxing just watching them and caring for them all. Hey thanks for moving over it was a bit tight trying to get under there.
I refuse to by scratch because they fill more than half the bag with corn. I wont ever feed straight corn to any of our birds ever. I do encourage those in cold climates (negative 10 or more through winter only)to feed some corn in the winter. During the warm months it isnt needed and can just pack on fat reserves which they dont need any more than we do. This is also why we feed multiple whole grains.
I picked up some rolled oats. Everyone seems to likd it, ducks, geese and chickens. It cost more than a bag of feed though. I do need to check my local feed store to see if they carry it. I did like the scratch at the local store better, it had way less corn in it than TSC scratch. Right now mine are switching to finisher from starter and I'm adding some rolled oats and scratch to it. They are also learning to free range.

I just finished fencing off part of the pasture so the birds have an area to roam. I gave the horses and donkeys a few days to get used to the new fencing and let the birds in there yesterday. The chickens seem to love it but the ducks and geese are a bit tentative. This morning, I went out there and everyone came with me they happily wandered around, looked for bugs, grazed. I went in to get my camera, it took all of 5 minutes and by the time I got back there, everyone was back in their run.
Ok here is a question: What is "scratch" as you call it? Feed? I buy chicken layer feed in a big bag and then add a bit of corn to it, along with flaxseed and sometimes rolled oats and put it in a bowl (I only have two ducks.) Is that what scratch is? I am just a bit confused.
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no scratch is just that scratch. It is sold in bags labeled scratched. It use to be a great mix of whole grains with very little to any corn. As grain prices went up they switch to more corn than anything else. Most feed brands have their version of it. We want healthy birds, with good body weight without added fat reserves, healthy feathering and strong fertility. Since corn is like candy or fast food junk and we dont feed our human children fast food we dont feed the birds added corn. (whole, cracked or by adding scratch)

we have two breeds of geese who need no help in the fertility issue department, we have one heavy breed of duck who doesnt need the added fat packed on which could lead to leg issues.

I can say while others have reported low hatch rates from similar flocks we had a superb year with a 97% hatch rate in the Sebastopol geese. Diet has to be of some influence since many others dont feed the same as we do.

Also our Silver Appleyard ducks grow slowly allowing their legs to keep up, dont carry extra fat deposits when butchered, and had strong fertility this year as well.


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