Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Quote: I think it might be because you are heading into winter now. The shortened daylight hours sends the wrong signals for hormone production. I bet they will lay soon-ish but just taking longer with the shorter days.

Although depending on your latitude, it may not make much difference. If that's the case, then I think they have made you part of the pecking order and are showing you who the real bosses are!
aw Nuts. all that time loading them all at once and I forgot to click large. oh well. I make no apologies for pic heaviness. I took 339 photos today and almost all of them are good enough to share.
lookit my Sillie! all puffy like a bitty broody just cuz Red stopped by for a visit. someone's been taking Turkey lessons from Esther, who by the way, has broken her broody spell.

The Hooded Mergansers are back! I've been looking for them for a week! they are just so cool!

that's the prettiest dandelion I've ever seen.

one of 2 visiting Guinea's and Royce's Glamour Shot

Big Broody just finished day 11, I put millet on the apple flesh to encourage her to eat some more and it worked like a charm.
Wilma is not broody, but she did lay an egg today!

Royce is sure to tell them all that he's found the food.

27 Eggs today!
Dog selfie w a friend of ours!
I just laugh when I see this pic...
Is Rawley practicing his photobomb skills? He looks like he is thoroughly enjoying himself.

aw Nuts. all that time loading them all at once and I forgot to click large. oh well. I make no apologies for pic heaviness. I took 339 photos today and almost all of them are good enough to share.
lookit my Sillie! all puffy like a bitty broody just cuz Red stopped by for a visit. someone's been taking Turkey lessons from Esther, who by the way, has broken her broody spell.

The Hooded Mergansers are back! I've been looking for them for a week! they are just so cool!

27 Eggs today!
I have never seen a puffed up Silkie. Sillie looks very .... dare I say it?.... silly!

The Mergansers are beautiful. I've never seen the hood up before. Quite a display!

Yay!! Ta Da!! One egg today!!!!!!!!!!!
The most loved chook..
She did it!!! Big for a first egg. Did you eat it yet?
Hi all, hope you don't mind me jumping in on this thread... Such a great read.

Ok well as stands i have 10 girlies and 2 roosters. I get at the most four eggs a day two brown from the buff Sussex. two white, one from a black girl (not sure of breed, black very large comb and white earlobes :lol: ) and the other from either a seabright or an exchequer leghorn don't know who tho.

Now the two Sussex that lays are just over a year, but the rest of my girls are all the same age 1 in June, but only two are laying? The other ones are light Sussex, RIR, leghorn.

I've been wondering the reason why the near one year olds still are not Laying when two of the same age are. Confused a little.

3 out of 4 eggs today btw. :D

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