Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I've been feeling really sorry for my terminally broody Orpington. She just won't quit, so today I got her a present.

She loved them! I was so relieved. Have tried this 3 times before with other hens and failed each time.

I got 2 EEs and one blue Wyandotte

And buster is going to do all the work raising them! What a good deal!!
Hi All,

Been thinking about you all lately and had to check in. Cheeka so sorry to hear about all your troubles. Been thinking about you as my niece was just diagnosed with Celiac (12 yrs old) and my nephew with gluten intolerance (no confirmed diagnosis but has clinical symptoms). Makes me sad. Not so much for my niece as she enjoys many different foods but my nephew lives on bread, pizza, and garlic knots and gets very little enjoyment out of food in general and the one thing he likes is now off limits.

Can't wait to see how big Mylee has gotten. I can't believe how big your little one is MC. She's adorable.

Love hearing that Rumples is doing well and getting some broody chicks!

Glad everyone else seems to be doing relatively well.

Things over here are busy. I've been raising 2 baby bunnies for the past week. My dogs found the nest the day after they were born and not only did they destroy the nest but they "played" with the babies to ensure mom would never come back. Out of 7 babies I made the choice to put down 5 due to some visible wounds from the dogs. I have 2 and they are doing great. There eyes aren't open yet but their ears are starting to stand up. I'm pretty sure I got them when they were only hours old. Unfortunately there isn't a wildlife rescue too near me so I'm thinking I might try to get certified.

Also have a duck sitting on about a doz eggs. I was being a slacker with grabbing the duck eggs and then next thing I knew "mom" was sitting on them. Yikes, if all of them hatch I am in BIG trouble. Hopefully I'll be able to find a home for them.

Hey CLindz! nice to hear from you - but sorry to hear about your niece and nephew - best to catch it early - I'm a lot shorter than the rest of my family because I wasn't diagnosed until my 20's. it's known to cause stunting... and I am like your nephew, not much pleasure from food, but they have come a long long way with GF food from the old days. granted, the pizza is like a cracker rather than a crust, but the breads are vastly improved, pasta is indistinguishable...

W4W, omg, they are so cute! and Bueno is just perfect! he'll grow up to be gorgeous!

I go to the specialist tomorrow. I'm trying to be brave and not scared. I want an answer, good or bad.

we had some time outside today, next opportunity will be Wednesday... now all the photos are supposed to be below, but, like the smiley's, they all popped to the top, grr.
omg, busy this morning... trash day, all the animals cared for already, load of laundry done, clean dishes put away... paperwork waiting by the door. nervous, but trying to be brave. leaving at 9:30.

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