Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I think RK is rubbing it in their face. "You can't touch me now and look at all of my defenders. OH....and did I mention we have meal worms over here twice a day"?
Full crops?........I think that is a BR thing. Week old gluttons
awesome pic! they look great and they do look very well fed!!!

I think RK is rubbing it in their face. "You can't touch me now and look at all of my defenders. OH....and did I mention we have meal worms over here twice a day"?
I don't blame her! nice mealies will help her to keep pumping out new feathers too!

10 Eggs today and another crappy day weather-wise, it was supposed to be nice in the afternoon, it did get hot, but it was humid and hazy... lots of fruits, cracker crumbs, millet (the hens favorite snack) and grass clippings scattered about to make up for the lack of free range.
Hello everyone....still following along, great job on hatches!

I had a hen go broody so let her have at it with 14 eggs, now at 12 days.

Thinking half are not fertile, but she was a great mama on her 1st hatch this spring. She's a Columbian Wyandotte sitting on EE eggs. I heard they were good brooders, she's making me a believer! Want to candle, just concerned with disturbing the nest.

Last time she pushed eggs away from her about this time or a bit later on, forgot...
In my ignorance, I would put them back up under her and she would fuss at me. Turned out, she was right and those 3 eggs were quitters. She hatched the remaining 7.

This time, she lets me pet her back a bit, without screaming, gets off the nest every couple of days, does her business, eats a bite, drinks water, takes a quick dust bath and back to the nest she goes. I guess she's teaching me this time around and I'm determined to follow her program....although I'm still a bit jumpy. I also keep a small dish of water and a bit of feed in with her to take as she chooses. Probably comforts me more than her. Keep reminding myself to just watch and learn.

Thanks to you and this thread, I'm a bit more reassured, I think. heehee

Sooo, not leaving well enough alone, went ahead and set 2 dozen eggs in the 'bator....
Telling myself and DH that I need to hone in my hatching skills using Ms. Clessie (broody hen) as my instuctor.
What can I say, the fever hits and the chicken math continues on......

I'm usually online later in the evening, but enjoy having the opportunity to follow along with you and feeling a part of the chicken family.
Good Luck Chirp, I hope the hatch does well. Beware of the chicken math

Sully, I read one time that the really dark eggs are more difficult to hatch because the extra brown coating clogs the shell pores and they get less oxygen. Have you ever heard this? Supposedly, this also makes them more susceptible to damage from shipping, and hatch rates tend to be low. A BCM and OE (olive egger) are on my list for the future, but I will probably get hatched pullets. Don't know what I'd do with all the cockerels otherwise, but word is that BCMs are one of the tastier breeds if you are willing to process. I'm too wimpy.
Out of the shipped eggs in July, only my olive eggs hatches two boys so that kind of stinks but it was a nice first hatch and learning experience. They couldn't be candled much by day 10.

I think RK is rubbing it in their face. "You can't touch me now and look at all of my defenders. OH....and did I mention we have meal worms over here twice a day"?
LOL she is so jealous of RK I am sure. The babies got so big so fast!

Cheeka the weather here is crazy it was so hot today.

Anyone else getting ads? I am annoyed with these popup ads that make noise.

RESULTS & Pictures for hatch 2 are posted on page:

But here is a group shot rather than me posting too many pictures:
I just made a crazy spur of the moment purchase! I bought 3 French Black Copper Maran chicks that I pick up tomorrow and am going to attempt to put them under Clarabelle with her chicks! Am I crazy? I think chicken math may have struck again!

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LOL ask if you can have real husband says these babies are so much easier...he just keeps building more space for them...still cheaper than children
quieter too
Hello to all. :frow
Ms. Clessie let me candle her eggs tonight.

She had pushed 2 aside and I found 1 in the middle of the pile that were clear. There were a few that I thought might be questionable, but decided to let her be the judge.

So out of 14, we're looking at 11 possible. This weekend she will probably go into lock down. Need to get her pen ready. Thought I'd send a photo, not a great shot, but just the same, wanted you to see. Talk to you soon. ;)


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