Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Prob bailing Rodger outta jail!!
oh the tiny tiny chickies W4W! they are precious!!!

Scrambles, the babies are growing beautifully!

MC, love your babies too and you'll get the housing straightened out!

I got to see some babies today too. and later I saw them having a sunbath on the grassy bank.

Big Broody is all cleaned up again, determined... I hope something hatches. I should send a message out for local chicks just in case.

last In Your Face pic of this one... she's been rehomed, all that were caught are red, I still have one red left, both BR's, both BO's and the WR. at least til next week. they are good layers, I'll miss them. I can visit them, so maybe it won't be the last picture...
oh the tiny tiny chickies W4W! they are precious!!!

Scrambles, the babies are growing beautifully!

MC, love your babies too and you'll get the housing straightened out!

I got to see some babies today too. and later I saw them having a sunbath on the grassy bank.
Such a lovely family, ehh? I just noticed the third gosling too!

You are going to miss your Fosters.
I'm glad Bakery gets to stay. They probably wouldn't feed her enough!

Serama chick count still at 5. We'll leave the 2 unhatched eggs for at least another day. Oddly enough, we found the shell marked with a 2 on the end, which means that chick hatched from the egg that sat out an entire evening on my counter at about 58º. It happened 3 days before the hatch and I thought for sure I killed it. Amazing! Wish I knew which chick it is. Maybe the biggest, because that was one monster egg.

I feel like I still smell like chicken processing. GROSS. I've taken 2 showers since so it's not that but it turns my stomach every time I think I smell it.

I sold my extra reds and they should be going home today. I decided not to do my two smaller roos because they are really too small to waste my time on. I found someone to take them as well finally, so hopefully as of friday I will be down to my permaflock. As much as I enjoyed my first little brood, it will be a relief to be down to a more manageable number.

No eggs this morning. Freeloaders.
3/6 today. Starting to worry now about my two RIR as to why they still have not layed when they're other "chick mates" have all started now. They're combs are pink and not very large.

Very frustrating after being this patient since last year.
I added a 8 X 10 run to the BBW pen this morning. It is the PVC one that is in a few pictures I have posted. They are loving the extra room, and fresh grass. I am loving that they are so happy, and that I am doing something good. I am not going to "boo hoo" about how our meat, eggs and milk gets to us (I see what McDonalds is doing. That is worse!
). But I can certainly say that I feel good that my Thanksgiving and Christmas turkeys were happy animals that were raised like any pet. I care about them, and check on them to be sure they are happy. "How happy are they?" Happier than Roger bombing the Walmart shoppers!
I do miss those Fosters. I really do. someone has called to say they'll take 4 if I want to part with them, I'd rather they take 3, so I can keep the White Rock too, but I won't give up Bakery, or Broody. end of story. Broody is doing well, won't let me check under her at all - I got quite the pecking for trying! so I shared some brown rice and veg with her, and gave up some wrinkled cherry tomatoes for everyone else. first tomatoes of the season and they went berserk for them! I had seeds stuck to my hands and my jeans (and probably my hair,,,) it was a lot of fun. perfect weather for free range and chores, the only thing I did not do was move Henry in with Peach, Esther and Sillie. I can do it at roost time too... so it may still happen today. I have 20 Eggs in the basket, will have to make one more check, but I'm super hungry and came in to make some supper.

lindz, I love those Itty Bitty Mamas! which one is Itty and which one is Bitty?

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