Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Yeah actually we are going to be gone for 2 weeks and I am scared they will be loud when I am not around to shut them up...or answer the door if AC drops by. :(

You are allowed 2 dogs. Anything more and you need a kennel license. You can have 3 cats.

Man I am totally nervous to leave them for 2 weeks now.
I hope you don't have trouble with your neighbor mortie. that's a big risk, if they haven't been pleasant for 6 years... soon enough, you'll have eggs to share, which may appease her. just wash them. then the whole chicken butt thing goes away for clean eggs must come from another part - you can tell her that... she'll believe it.

and yeah... unless someone wants any of those 3 standard boys, I will be eating them. the bantam boy... depends on who he can get along with if he can stay or not... Sam and Gil are doing great at their new place... they get along so well together. sometimes I get lucky placing boys, so who knows...
Someone is coming to check in on the cat, fish, and chickens while I am away but she isn't house sitting exactly and he is keeping my dog at her house. I can enlist the help of my other neighbor to come over and figure out a way to shut the birds up if they get uppity if she happens to hear them. Have another week or so to monitor their chattering before we leave. Maybe they be OK. Or maybe penny will scream like a peacock every time someone goes in the nest. I wonder if putting curtains on the coop door would help that. I'm sure she was only screaming because she saw Wilson in the nest.
Wow mortie, your town is pretty strict on the animals.

The best distraction for my noisy ones is treats! Maybe your caretaker could put something yummy in the run after they are in for the night or first thing in the morning. Hang a cabbage, throw out some scratch, frozen grapes, scraps, greens or whatever. It will keep them busy (and quiet) early in the morning, when people are bothered more by noise. My guys have discovered the joys of alfalfa. I throw big chunks out and they like to scratch and pick through it for the leaves and flowers. It's a good source of greens since it's so dry here.
They are but with the cats and dogs it's probably foe the best. People get over their heads with them and end up with a yard full if barking dogs like you mentioned or a house full of cats and not enough litter boxes...eww. course the crazy ones will do what they're going to do anyway I guess. I know a few people with 3 dogs and I bet they don't have a kennel license. Oh but please come down hard on an extra harmless chicken! Gah! Gotta quit worrying about it. Like someone said nothing has happened yet. Hope for the best.
My other neighbor was just telling me yesterday about her niece that lives a mile or so from us who got 5 checks figuring one would die or be a rooster. They all lived and are about 18 wks old now. Her jerk neighbor called ac on her and they came and found out she had 5 and they made her get rid of one THAT DAY. So...I am not too hopeful for mercy. :(
I'm pretty sure that was just the animal control officer being a power-tripping jerk. As far as I know, they always have to give a time period to fall into accordance, not "right this second"
Up with the sun this morning for a couple of reasons. I wanted to hear if they are obnoxious in the morning, particularly Penny the Peacock. I woke up at 6:05, hit the head, then stumbled outside to check the box and there was what I will assume was Penny's egg - still warm and a not totally dry. She must have laid it within the last 10-15 minutes. I didn't hear a peep. I'm pretty sure she didn't kick up a fuss when she laid it because I slept on the couch with the windows and doors open. My room is on the front of the house so I wouldn't hear her in my own room. I'm pretty sure it was Penny's egg was in her favorite box and she is the crack of dawn layer. Maybe she is a perfectionist. If she can't get an egg out by 7 she just skips that day lol.

I thought of two solutions to my problem.

1. Call AC with an anonymous tip about someone with a rooster. AC comes out to investigate but we know they're coming so have put 2 birds in the garage. AC comes out, looks and sees there is no rooster, we laugh about how people don't know the difference. They tell me I have a nice coop and to have a nice day. Then if stupid neighbor calls, they've already been over here so hopefully they won't come back. While I think this would work in the movies, the downside is that I don't really want to be on their radar at all (AC's that is). I don't want to draw attention to myself or waste anyone's time. I guess if I get caught with my mindblowing 2 extra birds that know...spray painting graffiti all over and pooping on everyone's cars....I'll just have to take my medicine and do what I have to do.

2. Do they make bark collars for chickens? Maybe a little zappy zappy if things get out of hand?

Now I'm just sitting here waiting with great anticipation to hear Val's first egg's coming today....

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