Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

You know, at least English does not give genders to objects. And, there is only one word for the! In German, you have Der, Das, and Die all mean 'the'! Can anyone explain why the word for boy is masculine and yet the word for girl is a neauter noun? Where as woman is feminine. Oh, and if it is plural, 'the' changes to Die, regardless of gender. Oh well. I guess I find English easy, since it is my first language.

Try Chinese! No verb tenses! No "the" at all! Hardest part, aside from character writing, is getting the tones correct. Same word can have 4 different meanings depending on how it's pronounced. English is much more complicated, grammar-wise.
Guess who is still in their pen?
I was told that they had been taking a running start, then flapping like mad to get over the fence. I guess fixing the hole has distracted them for the past hour or so. (Eye roll here)

So, you just live around a bunch of crazy people, huh? I'll see your eye roll and raise you a

How's Duckling today?
Try Chinese! No verb tenses! No "the" at all!  Hardest part, aside from character writing, is getting the tones correct. Same word can have 4 different meanings depending on how it's pronounced.  English is much more complicated, grammar-wise.
I know German has words like that, too. Except if it says a, it means one thing, but ä can change the meaning.
Guess who is still in their pen?

I was told that they had been taking a running start, then flapping like mad to get over the fence. I guess fixing the hole has distracted them for the past hour or so. (Eye roll here)

So, you just live around a bunch of crazy people, huh?  I'll see your eye roll and raise you a :he .

How's Duckling today?

She's whining. I think the only time she's happy is when we're outside, she's eating, I'm holding her or she's sleeping.
No cough since last night. Not-a-one!

Chasing the ducks


Getting my ducks in a row!


She sat herself in the beanbag. I guess I crushed it enough. I was beside her on the floor. I couldn't get a good picture. If I had moved, she would have gotten up.
she's so beautiful... makes my heart ache for Wrangler... but I've been talking to her twice a day and we're planning our future farm. she'll love that beanbag, especially for movies and snoozing...
Glad she's feeling better, MC. She just needed her aunty!

Cheeka, I could see you and Wrangler really starting a working farm. She's got to focus all that energy in some direction. What better than a farm with a huge menagerie! And then I can come visit!
How old is she now? Trying to figure how long I have to wait.
she's 6 already! if I can get this going by the time she's 10 at the oldest... we'll have such a dream place... she wants a horse, I want her to have a Paso Fino. they are small, gaited horses, like riding butter, but they can be spitfires... there are videos of them "racking" where they prance on wooden boards, judges watch for number of taps per second and distance per tap, they are supposed to rack essentially in place as much as possible. best are when the rider is holding a glass of red wine, don't spill a drop! it will happen. my house is definitely rented come Spring and while that does free me up some, I need the house to sell in order to really do what I need... the full amount vs month to month will tie me down temporarily, although I will have a lot more freedom once that happens.
MC your busy body sounds a lot like my cousin's neighbor. He's the reason she had to get rid of all her chickens, ducks, rabbits, move her storage shed that she poured a concrete pad for, and who knows what else.
Family. Whatcha gonna do?

You guys aren't going to believe this. I mean, it is so shocking, I just can't react! I still have Duckling! She was supposed to leave this evening, and now it will be tomorrow evening. I just! I just! I can't believe it, can you?!


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