Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Oh mine haven't had a lamp really since I got them except when we went out of town for a couple days I wanted to make sure the water wouldn't freeze so I put a small bulb in it for that. Otherwise they're fine heat wise. They are definitely fully feathered. I wasn't sure at first but yeah, they're fine. The problem is the rain, snow, etc (wet chicks plus cold) and the grannies. The grannies have not showen them much attention so far except to be apparently afraid of them. This is also part of the reason I got 5...if one of the adults decides to go nuts and go after a chick, they are like a school of fish and scatter, kinda confusing the adult who might not be able to just pick one to chase...kwim? Anyway, I was going to stick them in the coop for the night with the grannies and the fix the door so only they could get out in the morning and the grannies would be stuck inside but if they are all wet, I will probably bring them in and put a light on them for a bit to make sure they get dried off and don't get chilled. I don't trust wet + cold just yet and it's prettty chilly.
I have 2 confirmed broody's. of course, one is Mama Gossy... she has 3 large fowl eggs, 2 blue, 1 pinkish. the other is that plump beauty that W4W had remarked upon... bearded girl with no name... she has 1 Marans egg, 1 EE green egg and 1 BR cream egg, that I marked because someone could sneak in there and lay a jumbo bantam... I haven't had any double yolks from there yet... but it could happen. also, I don't have any green egg layers in there, except for perhaps any of the 3 that just moved in that pen last month... they haven't started yet, but they are so small... I doubt I would confuse them, but I probably will mark the green one in the morning. I won't confuse the Marans egg with anything so... that one is good. hope it hatches, and hope it's a pullet - it would be a true OE...

so... because I will lose track/forget... I did this on the first of the month. I should have chicks on 4/21. help me remember please

we're getting snow this weekend. should stop early Monday morning, for now and through tomorrow afternoon, it's just rain (and wind) very annoying.
I was supposed to set eggs today, but never got the new incubator fixed ( it came to me broken, but they gave me a discount for keeping it. The warranty still stands). I could always set up the other incubator, but now that I have the Pekins, there's no point... Except that all of the 18 chicks are black, and I was hoping for some reds. I think I'm in trouble. :oops:
We're getting snow too, Cheeka. Blech.

Babies and grannies spent the whole day together with no problems to speak of. I pulled the babies out to prevent them from laying down under the coop whic hI know they would hvae done if I hadn't. They are relaxing in their box, then when it's dark I'm putting them in the coop with the grannies. I will then shut the pop door halfway so the babies can get out in the morning but the grannies can't. When I am up and around to keep an eye on them, I will let the grannies out to join the babies.

This is going good, guys. Fingers crossed!

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