Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

remember first eggs are not really full size either.. its been over 2 weeks since mine started laying and only one is putting out large eggs. the rest are barely medium even..
aww, Duckling is so cute! and growing fast!
we've been so busy, but a quick catchup... Sweet Pea is about the same, but I did notice a little more movement in one leg when I had him in the pool yesterday. he's a perty lame duck, and I feel bad. but... leg injuries take forever, so I've got to give it some time.
Wrangler got accepted into our first choice school for 2nd grade. I wanted her to go last year but we didn't move in time. wait listed, she got lucky and got drawn in the lottery. she looks so cute in the uniforms. quite a few choices compared to when I wore uniforms, but they still have that plaid. I hate that plaid, so... unless she like, really loves it, I'll never buy it. but, she's all registered and official, unenrolled from her old school - and she starts in 1 week! it's an easier transition because her very best friend is also transferring. frankly, she was going regardless...but whatever reason she needs to stay excited is fine with me... :hmm
my dad has Shingles. just awful, interfering with everything and plain out no fun.
Wow, school starts next week?? Is it year round? Congrats on Wrangler getting in the one you wanted. My younger son will be a high school junior this year, and he is also switching schools. He is thrilled about it. Sad thing is, we have to pay. sigh. He better learn A LOT.

Sorry about your dad. It's supposed to be very painful.
Got my fingers crossed for Sweat Pea.
This school is a charter school, so we do pay for a lot, and she only goes to academic school Monday through Thursday. Fridays are clubs, language, extra music and stuff, I want her in track, Spanish, and 1 other, her choice, at the very least. We pay for Fridays, but it's worth it. Some kids won't be there on Fridays, it's not mandatory.
Sweet Pea is showing slight signs of improvement, so I'm hopeful, still...he's a bit sad.
I sectioned off almost 1/3 of the duck house for Sweet Pea. He's not walking, but he can get around in water pretty well, and can turn himself around/change positions.
He's in the company of ducks, but safe from Ping. And my lungs and sinuses are celebrating!

The other 2 made a fierce welcoming committee, flying out of their pond and following us into the house when I carried him in.
But, they're back out, all is well and I fenced off the tomato plants to keep Quackington from hiding in them at bedtime.

Wrangler starts scool tomorrow!
Good wondering...if she did, sure hope she's having a good time!

Sweet Pea is definitely happier. Lots more vocalizations from him, and he tries harder to get around. Still can't do more than shuffle on his belly...

Wranglers first week of school was very successful, new friends, great start with academics - they are studying the Constitution, have a test next week, so we have a study guide sheet w bullet points for discussion - she was bored until she made the connection w the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th and the fireworks holiday... Once that clicked, she was able to understand the rest of the study guide.
We had dinner w my folks and my dad wanted to have a serious conversation with her about school, so she asked him "did you know that James Madison had great ideas to make the 13 states join up and not have so many confusing rules? He was very handsome too... All his friends told the King of England that we wanted to be our own country." my dad: :eek:

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