Should I kill a rat snake!!!!

Do not kill it!

They may go after eggs or very small chicks, but they are really gentle, frightened creatures by nature and would never harm a human unless they felt threatened. Since it is likely to be a nuisance to your henhouse, however, by all means relocate it to a more appropriate place.

This snake has done you no harm as of yet. Have pity on it. If relocating it is not an option, your local wildlife center will know what to do with it.
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Hi everyone - I'm new here - in fact THIS is my very first post.

I'm just getting started - I have 4 hens and a rooster (do you want me to tell you their names? :)). Everything has been hunky dory for the first three weeks. (I only had two hens until yesterday). Up until now I've been getting two eggs a day like clockwork. But on wednesday there was only one egg. And I thought "Well that's strange" but the bells didn't really go off until Thursday. Again only one egg and I noticed a dark spot on the ledge in front of the nest which looked like an egg has been broken and eaten. There was no shell.

Would this be a snake? Don't they swallow the egg whole? What would break an egg, lap it up (I'm guessing here) and take the shell?


nervous new mommy

~ seeing if this works:

I know it looks bloody but it's not. The board is and old one that has red paint on it. And I put some water on it to clean it up before I realized I should take a picture.
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