Should I sell Cream Legbars, Appenzeller Spitzhaubens, or Lemon Owlbeards?


In the Brooder
Sep 9, 2023
Hi all, I am planning on breeding and selling chicks locally. I have read a lot of posts about which breeds to sell, but I can't find much discussion about these breeds.

So, Cream Legbars I know sell really well in my area. I've been trying to buy some for myself and they are sold out before I can get any! Everyone loves the colored eggs, including me. I also love that this breed is auto-sexing. Something I have noticed is that the Cream Legbars around here are not breeder quality, they are hatchery quality. They have very gold (not cream) hackles, and have a smaller body shape than they should - they look more like leghorns. I plan to get good breeding stock and breed for better quality hens. Should I charge more for these chicks? Cream Legbars typically sell around me for $20-$30 each.

I have two silver Appenzeller Spitzhauben hens that I absolutely adore. They are such sweet and beautiful birds. Similar looking breeds like Silver Spangled Hamburgs sell well around here. Do you think Spitzhaubens would sell?

As for the Lemon Owlbeards, I actually have a very handsome Owlbeard rooster that I can't decide if I want to breed or sell. Lemon Owlbeards are non-existent in California, so I would be the first the bring them over here. But I don't know how well they would sell. The breeder I got my roo from sells the Lemon Owlbeard pullets for a whopping $99 each! I wouldn't charge that much, but maybe because they are so rare I could charge a premium? How much would you guys pay for a rare breed like Owlbeards?

Thanks in advance!
As far as quality of your chicks you'll sell, I would definitely get good stock to begin with. Case in point, I raise silkies. Mine were mostly backyard silkies, meaning some didn't have a vaulted head but had crests. Most were fluffy and every bit a silkie. Those I would get $5 each for.

This past March I paid $15 each for fancy silkies, with beards and vaulted skulls. Of course, now when I hatch this coming spring (In Wisconsin they start buying in February/March) I'll be charging $10 probably.

Also this March, I bought 4 Appenzeller Spitzhauben chicks, and they died. I was told it was the fault of the feed mill I got them from, but I won't buy anymore and just stick to silkies. I love how the A.S. look though, and here they sell well.

What I would do is get on Facebook and get into groups for your state/country and see what people are selling or looking to buy. That should give you an indication. You could also post in those groups your question about which would go over better.

You could also try asking in your state or country thread on here.

Good luck with your venture!
Hi all, I am planning on breeding and selling chicks locally. I have read a lot of posts about which breeds to sell, but I can't find much discussion about these breeds.

So, Cream Legbars I know sell really well in my area. I've been trying to buy some for myself and they are sold out before I can get any! Everyone loves the colored eggs, including me. I also love that this breed is auto-sexing. Something I have noticed is that the Cream Legbars around here are not breeder quality, they are hatchery quality. They have very gold (not cream) hackles, and have a smaller body shape than they should - they look more like leghorns. I plan to get good breeding stock and breed for better quality hens. Should I charge more for these chicks? Cream Legbars typically sell around me for $20-$30 each.

I have two silver Appenzeller Spitzhauben hens that I absolutely adore. They are such sweet and beautiful birds. Similar looking breeds like Silver Spangled Hamburgs sell well around here. Do you think Spitzhaubens would sell?

As for the Lemon Owlbeards, I actually have a very handsome Owlbeard rooster that I can't decide if I want to breed or sell. Lemon Owlbeards are non-existent in California, so I would be the first the bring them over here. But I don't know how well they would sell. The breeder I got my roo from sells the Lemon Owlbeard pullets for a whopping $99 each! I wouldn't charge that much, but maybe because they are so rare I could charge a premium? How much would you guys pay for a rare breed like Owlbeards?

Thanks in advance!
Where did you get them from? Greenfire farms? Ive been trying to find a breeder besides them because they have been sold out for a while now.
Yes, Greenfire Farms. I bought hatching eggs from them. I had to keep checking their site every week to see when they became available. They sell out super
I will have some this spring 🥰

Where did you get them from? Greenfire farms? Ive been trying to find a breeder besides them because they have been sold out for a while now.
Well I did a test run with half a dozen in the incubator and they were all fertile, so I’m loading the Brinsea full today. The minions have decided they must out-lay everybody and I got 9 eggs today alone. So I don’t know if you were interested in eggs or chicks but I can get you Owlbeard eggs if you want. Send me a direct message 🥰
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And it posted my reply twice so… fun. Sorry guys- this is why I’m not always super talkative on threads 😂
There should be an "edit" button at the bottom of your post, for 24 hours after you make the post. You can use that to go back and fix things if you notice them soon enough.
Well I did a test run with half a dozen in the incubator and they were all fertile, so I’m loading the Brinsea full today. The minions have decided they must out-lay everybody and I got 9 eggs today alone. So I don’t know if you were interested in eggs or chicks but I can get you Owlbeard eggs if you want. Send me a direct message 🥰
what state are you located in?

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