Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

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Humans are animals too and people tend to forget (or refuse to believe it.) We've tricked ourselves into believing we are better than the animals.. and selfishness ensued. The world does not belong to ONLY us, despite whatever cultural/religious dogma you believe. 

I am not a religious person, but if a perfect God was to talk to us, what would he have to say about the rights/well being of animals?
Rights?? Animals/pets are considered personal property.
I find it amusing that you constantly comment about overpopulation yet you have kids? If your gonna preach brotha at least lead by example. Lol
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Rights?? Animals/pets are considered personal property.
I find it amusing that you constantly comment about overpopulation yet you have kids? If your gonna preach brotha at least lead by example. Lol

A tool, not a sharp one by any measure, but a tool none-the-less. Time for you to study up on economics as a function of changing demographics.
A tool, not a sharp one by any measure, but a tool none-the-less. Time for you to study up on economics as a function of changing demographics.
Speaking of tools and u show up. What a coincidence. I was joking with shubin. By the way your comment doesn't make any sense. I'm talking America not China. I see the scholar has his thinking cap on tonight.
Wow, just 7 months?  He is beautifully filled out and feathered out.  Is that typical for your Blueface Hatch?

Yes, he was hatched the middle of last May. I had one pen pulling each others tail feathers out, some of them still haven't grown a fully feathered tail. I'm debating on pulling a couple feathers once a week to get them growing good straight tails. This stag is still a baby, not sure of his self yet, but because of his bloodline he's close to the house in a double wired pen.
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Good luck man. Season ended here yesterday in my zone. Worst season ever!
limited out by 7:30

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