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Sound advice for laying hens and even multiple roosters of the laying variety. I've kept as many as 15 roosters together without too much trouble.
That will not work with these birds. Like sdm111 said.
At the very least the hens will lose eyeballs and be lacking an awful lot of feathers. Which isn't worth it.
I originally had my two ruble hens in a 4x8 pen. One day the Wheaton was missing half her cape. Some birds just won't get along period. Protein levels in food was fine.

Will work for hens. I can't even keep bluegill like we like to keep our game hens in small numbers. I speak from experience rather that stopping at the wall imposed by smaller social groups where mine cannot be kept any better than yours. Done properly damage minimal.

Try it sometime and you will learn something.
Take one out for a few weeks and then put her back. I would think tbe for one reason or another like being injured or broody that you might remove a hen for awhile and then put her back. Your telling me they just go about their business while you drop in a "new hen"
You may need that warm glass of milk tonight to help you relax cause nobody said one can only keep birds a certain way. Depends on your acceptable level of damage and loss.
hope u don't learn the hard way those won't coexist
so far so good. I have a long time before I need to separate these young ones.

I have them running free range now with the older ones. I felt bad keeping them penned up. Plus I got rid of that problem dog, so I am not so worried about them getting eaten. I still gather them up before nightfall.

Besides the blue what are the others?
Haha... once they hatch from the eggs I had no idea. This group is all SDMs eggs. He sent me so many varieties I cant keep track. Rubles, Sweaters, Kelso crosses... etc. All are really good looking... The darker miner (not shown in this pic) is a little small, and one other hatch type is a very small runt, but all the rest seem to be top notch.
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