Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

Wasn't it warm Saturday? You're down in the IE, I can only imagine how hot it already is there. Yuck! I was outback doing yard work and I broke a sweat though.

How big of a garden do you plan on having? I'm just now ordering seeds, so it'll be awhile before I have any in the ground.
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Everyone is doing well here today. If I can get off my rear end they will all head to the outside brooder. So far although we have a very white sky, no bad weather, other than cold.

No plans yet for our garden, other than it will be much smaller this year than last.

Eggs are doing fine

Hi Dellie people-

Here in Ohio we have about 12-15" of snow already on the ground...and calling for a few more inches in the next couple days. The low temp last night was around 5 above, but up to around 30'll be a long time till I can think about the garden....
Although we do start some plants inside around the middle of March.

Cetawin - how far will you be from Cincinnati?
Well it FINALLY cleared up at about 10:30 this morning, so I let the Dellies out. Then the wind started up, and it's nasty, so back in they went. I kept the pop door and my cleaning door open, though, so they can look out.
One roo decided I am bitable. Biteable? Uh, good for biting. I clamped down on his beak, but unfortunately wasn't thinking too straight when I did it, as he still had a piece of me clamped in his beak when I did it. OUCH! In hindsight, it must have been amusing - I screamed and the rest of the birds got very quiet and just looked at me. . . . .you could just SEE Ultrasuede's thought process "She can scream louder than I can - this will NOT do. . . "

And I now have someone with a definite crow. No more Kazoo.

Oh yeah,
from me also, you people in California!
Hi everyone!!!! I wanted to share some new pictures of my chicks - they are doing well and are very active!!! Pretty soon I will be wondering who is a boy and who is a girl, LOL!!!









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