Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

Hello Everyone!! I am double sorry for my absence, things here have been.... to least, hectic. I had to butcher out one of my Delaware hens yesterday because she was simply not getting better, and I think two months of the same condition was enough. I tried everything, from worming to coccidiosis to anti-biotics to separation... I tried it all!! So, we explored her organs and stuff... nada. No idea what was wrong with the girl. But, we are working on becoming NPIP certified

On the weather note, we've had about.... a cajillion types of weather here. Yesterday, it snowed in the morning and by noon it was all gone and the wind was wayyyyyy bitter. Today the wind was cold, but it was in the 40's. Friday, they are calling for more snow and this past Saturday was the best day ever, about 50 degrees. We cleaned coops and pens and chickens all day Saturday, lol.

I hope everyone is doing alright. I'm having problems with my hens and rooster combs, seems like thats all they want to do when I let Legs in with the girls. I felt bad for him. Heffner keeps tearing his own comb up on the double fence I put between him and Oreo. Looks like I'm gonna have to suck it up and just put some boards up

Countrychickengirl, those pictures are amazing, and cute!! I can't wait to have some fuzzies of my own soon. In picture 4, the chick looks like a roo to me, and in picture 45, the one to the left looks like a roo, possible the same baby? Lol.
howdy! new to this thread and somewhat new to byc. here are some of my Delawares from Meyer Hatchery that are ab 3 months old and a crested polish that snuck into the pic. lol they are such wonderful birds! and who would have thought i would ever get to see them in the snow in SC?!


mr rooster investigates superman. ; )
Delgirl- I was wondering where you were - more interesting studies? I am sorry you had to do your hen in, I wish you could have found out what it was. Tell Hefner and Oreo to put their big boy boxers on- they can't be naughty!

Countrychickengirl- those pics are amazing - are you a pro photographer or something? And have a zillion dollar camera?

Jeremy - if I could ship all this snow to you, I would. Honest.
SUPPOSEDLY Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are going to be clear "for sure" and maybe Saturday, too. Then more snow Sunday. Well, a break is better than nothing. . . .

Anderson33- WELCOME!!! How many do you have? And I LOVE your dog. . . . .
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Looks like some cute kids you got there, anderson33! That Polish just wanted some spotlight attention too
Superman is beautiful! Err, I guess I should say Handsome
He looks so soft and cute!

Joletabey, I have been doing some interesting studies, just not as interesting as Sponges, etc. Crazy stuff there
Thanks about the hen, but I knew it was coming. The cousin and I did it quick. If Heff and Oreo don't get their bars in order, they may find themselves in a crate to a new home. They are sweet boys, but not the best quality. They need a home away from other roosters, and Oreo apparently got that from his daddy-o. They look a-like, act a-like, crow a-like, all of it.
Anderson33- WELCOME!!! How many do you have? And I LOVE your dog. . . . .

thanks joletabey! i have five so far (1 roo 4 girls) i am absolutely HOOKED on them! they have a wonderful personality and will follow me anywhere i go. superman (the dog) is part G Shepard, part Husky, and part Carolina Dog. he is ab 6 months old and is a MESS!! lol but also a sweetheart. ; )​
Looks like some cute kids you got there, anderson33! That Polish just wanted some spotlight attention too wink Superman is beautiful! Err, I guess I should say Handsome lol He looks so soft and cute!

thanks delawaregirl09! just curious, what is considered a perfect standard for the delaware breed? sorry if this has already been covered in the thread but there are 300+ pages! lol.​
MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT to all my SDWD friends!!!

Just received an email stating that I will be receiving a JOB OFFER from the company I interviewed with out in California tomorrow by 8AM Pacific time!

First.....thank you ALL for your thoughts, prayers, well-wishes, etc during my "journey"....I have certainly felt your friendship throughout this mess and I am truly grateful!!!

Secondly, please pray that the offer will be at least "close" to what it was I told them I would need to have!! If the offer is close....I'll be "back in the saddle"

AGAIN...thanks soooooo much for your support

Will know more tomorrow

PS- on a chicken note, my EEs and Lt Brahmas have started far I have 2 of each out, about 12 more pipped

Hi Y'all, I am looking to adding some delawares to my flock in June. I have two on order but I am wondering if I should have ordered more. I need to know if they lay a lot of eggs and if the eggs are large. Thanks for any help.

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