Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*


But, but, but ...... I love some of your Dr. Frankenstein creations!

But, but, but ...... I love some of your Dr. Frankenstein creations!

You woman are not allowed to go to work anymore! I am missing all your posts!
I hate the new position! Looks like I am gonna have to work harder, and play much less.
Terrible to have to have a job to support my chicken habit (errr, I mean hobby!) ....

Funny thing today, while I was outside watering everyone. I let all the girls out from the Layers Coop, and then let the Delawares out. So, the only boys out were Jacob, Oliver and Alexander. I turned to go do something, and I though I was looking at Jacob in the distance. That's odd, because he is usually under foot, always near by. I turned back around, and Jacob WAS there under foot. I was looking at Alexander off in the distance. Oh yes, he is looking alot like Jacob! Oliver was off with the younger Del girls in the timber line.
Thanks Kathyinmo, Yes i am very happy with her. She lays about every day even in this heat, high ninety's. She is very friendly. I think i'm going to get a few more Delawares:)
I been gone all day- chiropractor visit, stepchildren here and emergency vet visits for Julian the Mighty ( my black cat who uses the netting above the chicken run for his personal hammock)- took the whole day. Julian is fine, the stepsons are fine, the inlaws are fine, and Moondog, you have a pretty hen!
Kathy- what new position? Alexander is my favorite- I am placing my bets on him.

Germaine- speaking of impostors- Valentina, black Orp princess, is laying an almost white egg. So pale I would almost call it bone colored - the only way you know it's not white is to put it up against something definitely white. It really sticks out - at least I will know what kind of a layer she is!

The chicks are good- Belle has a lot of gold starting to bleed through, and consensus here is that she will be the Delaware cross that turns out to be a beauty and prove Cetawin wrong.
And renaming Spot "Ivan the Terrible" was prophetic. He dragged Boo by the neck for about two feet before Harriet broke it up. Ivan was unrepentent. Boo was indignant and insulted. Belle and Emma carefully ignored the whole thing. Emma is feathering out way faster than the other three- but as I recall all my Del chicks feathered out ahead of Ultrasuede.
New job, sorta. Same job, but new duties and new location (across the street). Meaning, less play time on the computer at work.

Alexander is quite the roo, Beth. He mingles with ALL the girls! Oliver pretty much stays with the Delaware girls. Both are now mating with ease, and are good with the girls, like Jacob. I think Jacob taught them manners. I really really like these boys.
This is Chipper, sired by my Del rooster, Isaac (my avatar), out of one of the EE hens, June. I may keep this one--he's a hoot! And very unusual, too.



Then here is another Delaware cross, Bandit, out of a different EE hen, Riley (Riley is blue barred, a BR x blue Ameraucana)


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