Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

I know, posting again
But, does anyone know what he is mixed with???
I'm sorry Beth!
You're not alone. I got sidetracked!
That dang silly house of ours really cuts into my online time. What a pain in the patootie! But, it shall all be well worth it when we're done and moved in. Any time I'm not here physically, know that I'm always here with you in spirit dear lady!

Love the pics of Emma btw. I throw my vote in for little girl too. Just look at that sweet face! ....oh wait! NO! Don't look at the face! DON'T look in her eyes! That's how it all gets started. The Delaware Mind Control!! Protect yourself Beth! You of all people know better than to look her in the eyes!!
Amy- I hardly get the chance to look in her little eyes, as she spends most of her time on my back or on top of my head- I can hardly get in the run before she skitters right up my clothing and on to one of her favorite perch places - she and Ivan had me held hostage this morning, with Boo jumping up and down next to my feet, trying to figure out what was the best way to get up there with them - I would get hold of one, put it down, and while I would grab the second, the first would fly or climb right back up! I finally remembered I had a piece of bread in my pocket, or I might still be in there, trying to get free!

Louie- let me go see, I'll be back or post there if I can be of any assistance!
It's nice out today, sunny and breezy at 67 degrees. I took some photos of my Braden girls and a few others just for fun. Enjoy!

The lot, they were loving all the sunshine!


Look at those gorgeous tail feathers.





Hackles are all pretty light, like this girl, though some show a lot more color.

No droopy wings!



Break time.

Here's a couple of Stewart and Quasi. I feel like in the past couple weeks Stewart has really put on some weight, he's looking very broad in the chest now. Today I also noticed Quasi panting heavily, not because it was hot... but because I found her nesting near the nest boxes! Her comb isn't too red yet, so I think it'll be a little longer before she lays.

My big boy.


Quasi and my BW Ameraucana pullets, they're hardly ever apart, identity crisis maybe? They did share the same brooder.


Or maybe... I think it's because she has a secret crush on Claude...


Just for fun, this is my Buff Laced Polish, Dorota. She's a mess dust bathing, but I think she is adorable.

Let's see some pictures everyone- it's a gorgeous day, go grab that camera!
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Nice Looking birds Jeremy. They look just like mine I guess they would since we got them from the same place. Wish it was 67 here instead of 100. I too am enjoying my Braden Dels.
HA HA HA ..... Don't rub it in.....
Har and I are suffering here in Missouri at over 100* and the heat index around 115.

I love pictures too ..... Very nice, Jeremy. I am glad you are happy with them, and I hope they turn out to be as wonderful as you want them to. They look very happy and healthy. As always, your photos are great. Thanks for sharing them with us.

In the second picture, on the right .... those tail feathers are my favorite.

And, the third picture ..... I like her pretty face.
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