Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

I really think it IS a boy.

But I have a bunch of babies in the brooder now, so at least ONE of them has to be a good one, right?!?
well you would think that the pullet that is at least a month older then the rest of the flock would be the first to lay right? long story short my RIRs are laying, Budgie mite be. the only one I have seen on the nest is my darkist RIR girl. oh well I'm still really happy about getting eggs, and the last one I craked open was fertile

the pics are not too good, I took them with my phone lol but here is a look at my dellie babys and please over look the mess, it has been so cold and yucky it's hard to get much done.

budgie she would not put her head down


here is look at sweetheart.... just how bad is the pattern on her hackles?

Tankers and some of his ladys. 4 or 5 points? can't see his feet but they are brighter then Tonkas

and Tonka.

like I said not the best pics, put what do you all think?
I don't think Tonka makes the cut for a breeder, too small for starters, not wide at all. his wings do that wrong fold thing half the time, like you see in the pic. They don't tuck under right, kinda like angel wing but not near as bad. then at the bottum of it you have that odd tripl point on the blade. none the less unless someone really wants him, or he truns evil. he gets to stay. and as soon as we get the new coops up ( soon I hope
) he gets the RIRs
Tank on the other hand is purdy much what I had hoped for, a big easy going man. I'm trying not to get too excited thinking about hatching eggs from him & Budgie (I think she needs a new name too...) cuz I'm not going to add anymore to my flock untill the new coops are up. plus I don't know how broody these young girls are going to be, but give Mother H a few months...ah I'm getting ahead of my self
He is beautiful, but before I paid that kind of price for a rooster, I'd certainly have to see a picture of him not crowing. You can't tell a thing from that picture about what his normal stature is. He could have a squirrel tail, or his wing carriage could be droopy and you wouldn't know it because he is in the middle of a crow.

That said, wow is his feathering gorgeous! He looks to be in amazing shape as far as build and feathering go...I'd like to know about conformation.

Separate Post to comment on your beautiful birds.

Re: the Coronation Sussex in gary's post ...
Do you think so, Laney? I think he looks like a cull from the pen. I wasn't impressed by him, really. Those Australian Coronations are usually much larger looking to me. His comb is a mess. The bid is already $250. and there are still 2 days left .... crazy!
Budgie is beautiful. How old is she? She has a great shape to her that hints that she has a bit more filling out to do. If that is the case then I think that she will make a wonderful breeder. She has wonderful wing carriage and I love her coloring for a roo line. Especially if you have a roo that has barring that is too dark.

Sweetheart's hackle barring isn't as bad as you think. It still shows definite barring even though at a quick glance you might think columbian. It is not columbian. It is definitely barred. She also has a really chunky look to her.

The Tankster looks amazing! Is that the same little roo? Comb would be a 4 pointer to me. But he's a chunky boy with good wing carriage and from what I can see of it that tail is gorgeous! I can't wait to see what he and Budgie pop out! I couldn't get a good look at her comb, but it looks like it's got quite a few points there to make up for his lacking.

I'm afraid I have to agree with you about the Tonka truck. He looks like a good companion roo. What a sweetie!

its a scam. im new 2 chickens. so id like to know of a chicken that lays 2000 eggs a year. if there isnt one its a scam.

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