Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

Paaz- Delawares are SO sweet and friendly- you will love having Ruthie. It looks like she has some nice tail black coming in. And the toe thing is not common, as Kathy said. I think I remember reading somewhere here that it can sometimes be caused by something or other during the incubation period - but my memory is failing me.

Duramaxgirl- those are beautiful chunky birds- does River have as much nice tail black as Washington? Where did you get them?

Rain and high temps here for the next several days- I am surprised ANYONE is laying in this heat and humidity- some of my girls are losing weight, and as I said last night, Luke is losing his temper.

Kathy, I hope those jugs of ice water help your kids-

Hope Cetawin and Cyn have the BEST time ever.
Suede is in for it!!!
This is for the one you are taking to Cyn, right?

In the heat, I think those birds will want frozen fruits and veggies! Maybe a slush, of sorts!

Man the camera, here she comes!

ssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhh it is a little black one that came from two partridge parents.

They have a watermelon chilling right now

Holy cow I better put on makeup at least if she mans the camera. eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkk

I am almost out the door....should be on the road in 20 minutes or so.

Suede here I cannot hide from me muahahahaha Isaac is too tall to hide from me either.
Well it's been hot and rainy here, I'm sick of rain. The skeeters are terrible and I think I can hear them say when I come out to close up "yeah here comes the blood bank, I just love the fat ones". The lawnmower is in the shop so it's worse than ever.

Cyn no takers on the extra roos. People just know nothing about Delawares. Makes me very angry. Had someone on CL post to get rid of their RIR roo cuz it's mean and the kids are afraid. I offered one of the Georgia Boys as I call them. They don't know they were once the broiler bird of choice. Course they're good egg layers too.

RIR probably don't make the best meat bird cuz they're so mean. I never liked Rhode Island anyhow. Been there to uppity. Just kidding, we had a great time.
Thank you! Yes River has black lacing on her tail to. She has maybe a little more then Washington. I don't know much about Delawares but I think River is more delaware'ish looking! Is it normal for the barring on the neck to take so long to develop?
I got them from a hatchery so they're not show quality by any means... But I still love em!
In the photo of washington you can see she's in the one small muddy spot I have in my run! Them dels don't seem to mind getting dirty! Most my other chickens are squeamish to mud. But river and Washington plop right in it!
We've had so much rain here this year and its been unusually cold its just now getting into the 70s an 80s. I'm sorry about all you guys and the high heat! Wish you all could have AC in your coops!!
Yes people don't know what they are missing. I'm trying to help that out I traded one to a guy from my husbands work he's never had one and needed a big roo for his BOs as that roo was too mean...he really likes that Delli I guess his chickens just run around lose he made a special pen for that one doesn't want anything to happen to him. He sells chickens to a lot of people but he's cheap didn't want to pay. He's wanting to trade stuff to my DH for some more
not asking for anything free so he must think they are pretty nice
So I e-mailed Mr. Brushy at the APA in search of clarification as to the standard pattern for the Delaware. This is his reply. Thought you would be interested.

With regard to your questions, I am pasting the color description for the male and female in this email for reference. I’m not sure where the “debate” about lacing is coming from. For the neck, tail and wing sections where there are black markings, all parts of the description use terms such as irregular black barring or indistinct barring. The word “lacing” does not appear in the Delaware description. Perhaps the discussion is being triggered by the original color illustration, where the artist somewhat incorrectly portrayed the Delaware female tail as looking like it was laced. The original Schilling illustration done in black and white does not show that in such a stark contrast, although the Schilling picture does convey a white edging to the main tail feathers. I will scan the Schilling illustrations and send them to you for reference.

In summary, the text description does not feature lacing as the pattern for Delawares , and it those sections should be far more indistinct and conveying the look of an indistinct barring. If crossing has been done with Columbian Rocks or Reds to try and strengthen the gene pool, that may tend to pull the Delaware patterned sections in directions that were not originally intended (i.e. make the tail section look more laced than indistinct, irregular barring).

If you have any more questions, please feel free to try and get back with me.

Sam Brush

American Poultry Association
Wow thanks! I just ordered the standard of perfection... Can't wait to get it! But thanks for clarifying that. I don't know much about them but I intend on learning more.
Yes you need to really read the Standard and when mating birds you must keep good notes and band...Type first then you can fine tune the color as all of us breed our own we should learn what is "right" when getting the black and barred feathers but first you need the bird. Having color without type is worse I think as if the birds get too white or smutty it can be balanced.
Everyone keeps using the term "type" as though that is part of the standard or a descriptive term in the standard. I have the SOP in front of me and don't see the term mentioned. Unless it is in the SOP somewhere and not on the "Delaware" pages, which were e-mailed to me. If it is in the SOP somewhere other than these pages I apologize and would appreciate enlightenment.

Are there any Poultry judges here? I could use the help. I am also curiuos to know how many here "show" chickens.

Type is meaning the whole body in pleasing proportions or a "vigorous" bird look at this link and then maybe you'll understand. When showing an excellent profile is a must in any stock. When you go out into a pen of birds you should be able to spot the "typey" ones they have an excellent profile and look robust and vigorous males should look like a man and females should look feminine then you know you're looking at good stock.

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