Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

What a precious baby! And a chunker already! YAY!!!!

Kathy, I would prop things up, but there is nothing to prop the prop in some instances- someone should invent a little mechanical gizmo that automatically balances on uneven ground, and is adjustable to hold up the other end of a board, no matter the height. I need one.

My chicks seem to have more than doubled in size, and I am hoping to let them outside Friday in a shaded area, IF Harriet cooperates. They need a bigger area already. BTW, Cyn, do tell Suede he can be proud of these, even if they are little crosses- they are cute little buggers!
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EGGS!!! I've got Delaware Eggs!! Washington started laying a week or so ago. They are about 23 weeks. And her eggs are HUGE!!! Every other egg she lays is a double yoker too.

here she is laying in the nest box. Isn't she cute!!


Here is her first egg!!! Its not the biggest in the world but it was a lot bigger then my other chickens. My daughter was soooo excited when she ate it cause it had 2 yokes in it!!
Scott I can only say one thing about the BR genetic lacking comment...that is BS. They are a yellow legged bird just as the Wyandotte and Dellie is. I do not know this person who told you that but they are full of it. Feeding corn as a diet is just plain stupid! know you want some duckies and you know you want to build more coops...heck you are just dying to come up here and help me build small coops and pens inside my big coop. Don't deny it.
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Thanks guys! I can't wait to get photos of River laying... I don't think she is yet.
I got 12 eggs today and 15 yesterday! We have eggs at every meal. I boil them for my husbands lunch and the eggs are so little still. He says they are like one bite each...
Del eggs are a nice big size. My Maxie lays a humongous wide, almost white egg, but Georgie and Ellie's are much darker, sometimes speckled. They are very regular layers as well, with super friendly personalities.

I have to say that Delawares are sometimes such strong personalities, that I believe they do best in a flock of only Delawares. No one is different, no one picks on anyone else, etc. But, I don't think I can handle an entire flock of Del hens! Omigosh, they insist on being held and loved on! So far, they don't seem to be picking on Isaac's comb and wattles as much as they used to, thank goodness!
And that my dear friend is why I only have two of the heathens...I cannot spend my days sitting on the proch swing, swinging a Delaware flock!
If I had Isaac or Jacob...then I would have a flock of them and I would expect them to handle those women.
No kidding- mine get upset with all the time I am spending in the Orp pen building a palace for those spoiled blue and black creatures. They glare at me through the fence. They love Ultrasuede because he was raised with them, but are totally indifferent to the Orp girls on the other side of the fencing.

I wonder how much trouble I will have moving Ultrasuede- most of the Del girls are "his", and yesterday I offered to let him in to get up closer and personal with Valentina and Katia, who are now squatting, and Nope, no way, would he go in! He just look extremely doubtful, and scurried back to his Del women-

Washington has the sweetest expression- like she loves laying!

Lizzie and Alice tend to lay a speckled egg- it's pretty.

Cetawin - OF COURSE I want those ducks. I am not even fooling myself. AND I wouldn't mind helping you build. I just do not ever, ever, ever, want to build something taller than me all by myself again.
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