Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

Hi everyone, It's been awhile since I have posted. I was blindsided in my marriage about a month ago. We are in the middle of a family crisis. I apologize to those of you that have contacted me or that I have obligations to.

Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers

PS in the middle of all this I had a broody Del (from Jane's stock) hatch out 8 little baby Dels. All it took was me not collecting the eggs everyday because of what it going on here.
Sweetie- you bet we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry you are having a stressful time! I hope your little Dels give you some joy during this black time. Being blindsided is devastating.

Kathy- DH was worried I would get attached to the meaties and we wouldn't be able to process them, but they don't look too personable - I think I can stay detached!
Your flock picture is gorgeous! Those boys are doing their job!
Zephyr, sorry you're having so much trouble in the family. We all know what it's like to be blindsided and have the wind knocked out of us, maybe not the same way, but I know the stunned feeling you get. Hope things look up soon.

Kathy, I love, love, love the flock pic of the Del boys! Isaac is so fast, if a girl yells, he charges full-tilt, ready to do battle. They are made for free ranging.
Ellen, I am sorry for the stress in the marriage/family...been blindsided myself and it really knocks you of you balance.
Hang in there...I hope it resolves quickly and all is as it should be for you. Baby Dellies....YAY!
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I'm so sorry to hear of the crisis in your marriage.
Praying for you and your family, that you will find the right answers and direction.
(I'm pleased with my little growing Delaware chicks. They're so pretty. It looks like I might have 6 or 7 hens and 1 or 2 roos.)
Thanks for the heads-up for everyone. We'll all be fine. You work on being fine, too, eh?
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Now wait a minute there ..... that is just not right ..... not right at all ..... NO WAY! ! ! How did you get so lucky to get all those girls?
One hatch I got 8 roos and 2 girls, another was about 50 - 50, and one was like 12 roos and 4 or 5 girls. You are VERY lucky there!

Anyway, glad to hear you are pleased with your Dels. We sure love ours.
Did you hatch yours or buy chicks? Hope they bring you many many eggs, and much enjoyment!
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Ha. Pretty funny, eh?

What felt like really bad luck turned out pretty good in the end. Only one of several purchased eggs hatched.

So I went to a meet and bought 4 same aged (1week) chicks out of one box, and 3 2-week ones out of another box. I'm happy

Their nest mates didn't turn out quite so well. Silver Penciled Rocks: 2 hens and 3 roos, and we lost one hen to a hawk. Now our one little hen has 3 buddies. For now. I have another little batch of 1 hen with 3 fellas in my Bantees.
I think I should specialize in hatching boys
.... Barred Rocks I hatched 2 girls and 8 or 9 boys, too. I ordered BR chicks, and can you believe this.... I got all boys and 1 bantam girl (I did not order bantams!) ..... and on and on .....

Ahh heck, I suppose it all equals out somehow ..... Some for meat, and some for eggs, I guess.
Me too! I hatched so many welsummer boys I had to buy girls so I could get rid of them in pairs. Same thing with the olive eggers
I finally gave away the big roo- think he was the problem.

On a good note- it appears that the delaware chicks we got from Scott turned out to be 2 pairs (I hope!) Janelle and I both got a pair
The delaware x's look like 3 boys, 2 girls- so we both got a pair of them too. I gave Janelle the extra roo because she goes to more swaps & stuff. I can't even sell all these girls I have, let alone roos. Business has just dried up this past month.

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