Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

Hey Horizon, they are adorable!!! They look like they're enjoying the time outside

They do have the mind control down from an early age
Mine have it perfected
Let's hope that the coming cold front doesn't affect you in Oregon, David. Otherwise, you might be facing twenty-four little souls camping out on your living room floor for the duration of the cold snap! OMG! Can you imagine the cost of the carpet cleaning alone!?!?!

They really are darling, David. Go ahead, just put them in the living room anyhow. You can use the coming cold front as an excuse to have them all romping around on the couch, the recliner, your favorite pair of slippers......
My only advice: Keep a can of Resolve at the ready!
Awww; they're sure to love hearing your warm replies

It got cold last night. I checked on them around 11pm and again early this morning before I left for work. They were in two nice rings; one ring under each lamp. If they start to bunch then I will lower the lamps down a link or two, if needed. I most certainly have some feisty ones in the bunch
Do you have room to add one more heat lamp perhaps? If you do, it will help to alleviate the pile up under the heat lamp that happens when there are too many chicks for the area affected by the heat lamp. Lowering it will only bring the source closer to them, but it won't help those out on the periphery. Add another light David!! 250 watt bulbs and the electricity to run them are cheap compared to the cost both monetary and to your heart should you loose one [or more] to exposure to the cold!
And heaven knows, you'll never forgive yourself if that should happen. The Dellies will see to it that you don't!!
It's all part of the Delaware mind control.

Just where in Oregon are you? In the mountains? Along the coast? Near Portland? East of the Cascades? West of the Cascades?
Inquiring minds like to know!
I'm right on the southern coast... So its rarely in the 80's and rarely in the 20's. Between Bandon and Port Orford. It's the wind, and rain, really not the cold, that's the "concern" here; and I don't just mean for the chickens, lol. I'm currently using two 100 watt lamps for them. I'm keeping a close eye for huddling at night and so far so good
Tim? Sweetie?
Did you not get your nap today? Why such a long face?
I know it's tough sometimes, especially with these Del's. Heck, I haven't even started breeding them myself, and I can already see that it's going to be an incredible uphill climb all the way, if I even ever do!

I guess it's like Kathy says though. It's something each of us has to keep plugging away at in our own ways. Teddy Roosevelt said it best: Do what you can, where you are, with what you have." And when it gets too deep and too wide, then sometimes you just have to step away from it all for a little while and take a breather. Are you in need of a break dear?
Don't let it get you down, and don't give up! The Del's are counting on us!

Oh sure it's easy for you to say! As a matter of fact I did not get my nap today! and I don't need a break either!

And for your information I have six Del chicks in the brooder and 25 eggs in the bator, so there! la, la, la, la, la, I can't hear you.

(it would be nice if DW got home with my Mc fish sandwiches and fries though, I get cranky when I get hungry, well ok I'm cranky all the time, but more so when I'm hungry)
Oh mr. Tim what are you up to now? Amy darling precious....whatever u do do not mention septic systems around this man! He starts to snarl and bare his teeth and well it just ain't pretty! Lol
TRIIIIISHHH!!!! **boing!boing!boing!Tacklepounce!
** Where the heck have you been lady? I miss ya! Oh septic tank discussions? That sounds serious!
I shan't say a word!!

Tim, sweetie....
Even old curmudgeons need hugs!
So, are all of these Del's in their various stages of life going to your flock? Or are they part of your Johnny Appleseed of Delaware's project?
Hope you're in better spirits soon. Go sit with the babies and let them work their Dellie Mind Control Magic on ya! You'll be feeling great in no time!
Well if you must know, DD came to the door with my two Mc fish, fries and a chocolate shake right after I left you. So now I'm full and ready for one of those artery clogging Mc apple pies.

When I say I rolled out of bed in the morning I mean rolled! Lord have mercy! We had a water bed but when I got in DW went flying into the wall. "Call 911, call 911!" The EMT's couldn't stop laughing. So now we have one of those memory foam kind, that never forgets how big my butt is. My side has a big sink hole. I swear that bed is haunted, cuz I hear moaning all night. DW has gotten very religous since I gained so much weight. I hear her praying to God every night that I don't roll over onto her. Ok seriously.

I am keeping every Del chick except what I give trish inspite of her sceptic remark. Her husband has guns and if you saw what he did to that nine point buck! How the heck does a deer get nine points? He must have walked lopsided and that' s what got him shot. Anyhow I have to share the chicks from this next hatch or I'll be hanging, gutted in Trishs' garage.

Yes dear I see a new coop in my future Lord willing. A great big coop for 100 Dels. At least three breeding coops and lots of Del chicks running around Trishs' garage.

Just remember Trish I know where you live. Actually folks she's just jealous cuz my Dels are laying better than hers. BTW trish I have three eggs so far for you. Just cuz I want to.

I think I need my nap now. Bye and I still Love ya

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