Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

It better be a Delaware on that card, Tim!
Hello everyone, I'm new to this thread but love Delawares. The man I purchased mine from said his hatches were 70% roos. Is it that way with all Delawares? He hatches with an incubator, could that cause the hatch rate? I've only got 1 roo and 4 pullets but they are definitely one of my favorite breeds.
My last hatch was good for pullets. I've kept 10 6 pullets and 4 roos. Just the luck of the draw I guess.

Welcome to my presence.


My last hatch was good for pullets. I've kept 10 6 pullets and 4 roos. Just the luck of the draw I guess.

Welcome to my presence.



So how many of the ones I gave you are pullets? I got four friz's in the brooders. Two cuckoo and two white and still have broody's on eggs. I have to check the nests for un X'd eggs each day. Don't be surprised if you come home and find a box of chicks on your doorstep. I want to start the hoop coop but figure the wire stuff will snap in this cold. I broke the guard on a heat light that way. Did you see my cards are on the way. Yippeeee! Send me some pics of your birds so I can design one for you. There only $1.99 for 500 cards. I'll pass the design off for your approval..

Pratts Poultry Pharm

Where the owner goes Postal but the chickens don't.


Pratts Postal Poutry Pharm
Where the chickens bear arms
Don't p#$% them off!

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