Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

Happy, I'm very interested to see how your project goes
"BBS" Dels, who knew

Rebel... ya lucky dawg! Them new girls you got are incredible!!!

Dels.... ahhhhh
Thank yall for my fix. Being without is killin me, but I promised my DH, myself and my bank acct I'm not upsizing right now LOL
My Ellie is finally growing her tail black back in after her molt and gaining weight. I'm hoping she'll lay again-was sure she was doomed. She produces nice daughters and mostly daughters. Now, Georgie is molting heavily, wants to be picked up, but when you do, she is so uncomfortable, she bites you, LOL.

Beth, I see my Ultrasuede in the background-he looks just like his big daddy, Suede.
Thanks! I am really happy with the girls, and they are laying up a storm! Nicole, when you are ready, let us all know, we will help you out. WHERE are you now?

Ellie will perk up, Cyn, and lay again.

Mu big blue boy is a hoot- I love him to pieces!
Cyn, glad to hear Ellie is doin well, and Georgie, well
crazy dels!!

Beth, I'm still in the same spot. DH got a job, finally, a few weeks ago, so we're staying put for now. I have visions of Dels foraging all over the farm, someday
Poor Big Buy wouldn't know what to do with other Dels around

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